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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Conservation Events.

National Trails Day

June 1st at 1 PM

If you are reading this then you must love animals! If you love animals so much then why not help us out on June 1st?

Boone County Conservation is hosting a volunteer day to remove some unwanted invasives that are overtaking the park and especially the trail! What better day to do it than on National Trails Day? National Trails Day is a day to celebrate our public trails by either hiking, cleaning, or doing a stewardship activity on them.

Since we don't want these plants and prefer not to pile them up and create an eyesore, we wanted to give back to wildlife conservation. What better way than to donate the browse to Blank Park Zoo?

Most of what we donate will go to animals such as giraffes, rhinos, wallabies, and so many more animals.

We hope you can join us!

Location: Swede Point Park, 1601 322nd Ln, Madrid, IA 50156

Meeting spot:
Trail Head of Crocket Trail, Park by the playground

**This activity is a physical activity and will be done in the outdoors. Exposure to sunlight and warm temperatures.**

**Please be advised to bring and where proper PPE** such as:
- Long pants
- Closed-toed shoes
- Gardening gloves
- Water bottle
- Suntan lotion
- Bug spray

Hope to see you there!

Rock'in the Outdoors Day! Youth Fishing Derby

June 8th 9 AM -Noon.

Want to participate in a fishing derby? Want a great way to enjoy a Saturday with your young angler? Want to win some cool fishing prizes?
Then join Boone County Conservation at Don Williams Recreational Area on June 8th from 9 AM to noon in celebration of National Outdoors Day.

Age Group: 16 and younger

Don Williams Recreational Area
610 H Ave, Ogden, IA 50212

Event Meetup: Lodge by the Lake

Fishing, we will not be supplying gear or bait so bring your own.
There is a bait shop next to the lodge that will supply bait for purchase.

Those who catch a fish are entered to win prizes donated by the county and other community partners.

We hope to see you there!

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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.