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911 Communications

Law Enforcement Center

1019 W. Mamie Eisenhower Ave.
Boone, IA 50036
Driving Directions

Mailing Address

1019 W. Mamie Eisenhower Ave
Boone, IA 50036

Contact Information

(515) 433-0527
(515) 433-8047 (Fax)

Our Team

Emilie McCoy
Communications Administrator
(515 433-4797

911 Communications

The Boone County Communications Center is a public service answering point (PSAP) for all 911 calls and non-emergency administrative calls in Boone County. The Boone County Communications Center staff is responsible for dispatching all law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel for all of Boone County, including the communities of Boone, Ogden, Madrid, Boxholm, Pilot Mound, Beaver, Luther, Berkley and everywhere in between.

Boone County Communications Center

The Boone County Communctions Center is housed within the Boone County Law Enforcement Center. Our facility is state of the art, operating on a Zetron 911 Max Call-Taking System and dispatching using a Motorola P25 Simulcast 700MHz radio system at three separate dispatch consoles. The Boone County Communications Center also utilizes a new-to-Iowa computer aided dispatch system (CAD), called Motorola FLEX, which boasts an all-inclusive public safety product, aiding in the documentation and dispatching of all emergency and non-emergency calls.

The 911 Dispatchers employed by the Boone County Communications Center are trained to ask questions specific to the caller’s report and are trained in the discipline of Emergency Medical Dispatching. It is important that callers stay on the line with the 911 dispatcher until the instructions are given to disconnect.

While the 911 dispatchers within the Boone County Communications Center are asking questions and gathering information, they are inputting all the information in computer aided dispatch system (CAD), all information is assisting in dispatching any information responding law, fire and EMS personnel require to best prepare for the call. The information gathering is a process to most efficiently and effectively serve the public, it is important to answer all questions the 911 dispatcher provides.

It is also very important for callers to also be aware that while the 911 dispatcher is gathering information and asking questions, they are also sending the response necessary for the incident or situation that is being reported.

All 911 dispatchers within the Boone County Communications Center are certified by the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy and the Iowa Department of Public Safety. All 911 dispatchers are also certified through the National Academy of Emergency Dispatch in the discipline of Emergency Medical Dispatching.

911 dispatchers with the Boone County Communications Center also enter information into the Iowa Online Warrants and Articles (IOWA) and National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database concerning all arrests warrants, stolen articles, stolen vehicles, guns, domestic abuse protection orders and missing person records. 911 dispatchers are required to maintain, update and validate these records, as well.

Boone County Communications Center staff are also responsible for overseeing and monitoring over 100 security cameras covering all Boone County Campuses, including the Law Enforcement Center, Boone County Jail, Boone County Courthouse, and other facilities.

911 Dispatching is a specialized field that requires mandatory training. Criteria for obtaining and maintaining a 911 dispatch position with Boone County:

  • IOWA / NCIC Certification – Basic Iowa System Training (BIST)
    • One Time Class – 2 Days / 16 Hours
  • Iowa Telecommunicator Training Academy – Iowa Law Enforcement Academy
    • One Time Class – 5 Days / 40 Hours
  • Emergency Medical Dispatching – National Academy of Emergency Dispatch
    • One Time Class – 3 Days / 24 Hours

Criteria for maintaining a certified 911 dispatch position with Boone County:

  • IOWA / NCIC Certification
    • Renewed annually.
  • Emergency Medical Dispatch Certification
    • Renewed every two years.
  • Eight (8) Hours of continuing education / training
    • Annually.

Contact Information

  • Emergencies: always dial 911 from your mobile phone or landline.
  • Miscellaneous Calls: for public safety requests, dial 515-433-0527.
  • General Inquiries: contact the Communications Administrator.

Map & Directions

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Mission Statement

The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.