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Elected Officials

From the Courthouse to the White House, we've compiled a list of elected officials who represent the citizens of Boone County, Iowa. View by category using the links below.

Federal Officials

White House, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House

State Representatives

Governor, State Officers, Senate, and House

Countywide Officials

including Soil and Water and Agricultural Extension commissioners

City Representatives

Mayor and Council members, plus City Clerks in each Boone County community

School Board Representatives

School board members along with district administration information

Township Representatives

Trustees and clerks for each Boone County township

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Mission Statement

The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.