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Election Workers

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Boone County Precinct Election Official!

Boone County is committed to conducting fair and impartial elections that are well organized and professionally staffed. Precinct Election Officials play a significant role in helping administer elections and are representatives of the Boone County Auditor's Office. PEOs must be registered voters of Boone County, their attendance must be dependable and they must get along well with others.  Duties are shared among 3-6 officials depending on the number of expected voters at the polling place for each election. No experience is necessary and training is provided.

What Does an Election Official Do?

  • Assist in setting up the polling place before the polls open
  • Check-in/register/update voter information using tablets
  • Distribute ballots to voters after check-in verification
  • Help maintain an orderly process and ensure compliance with voting laws
  • Assisting voters who request help
  • Instruct voters on how to use election equipment
  • Tallying votes at the close of the polls
  • Assist in tearing down the polling place after the polls close

Election Official Qualifications:

  • At least 17 years of age
  • Registered to vote in Boone County
      • Highschool students who are not yet registered to vote (Highschool students interested in working are encouraged to reach out to our office to go over additional requirements)
  • Not be related within the third degree by blood or marriage to opposed candidates.
  • Every PEO working at every election must take an oath before engaging in any official duties
  • Have energy and stamina for a long day (14-16 hours)
  • Comfortable working on a tablet
  • Enjoy working with others
  • Willing to attend required trainings


Election officials are paid $10.00/hour for their hours worked and time at training. Election Officials who chair polling places are paid $12.00/hour (effective 7/1/23). Qualifying mileage is reimbursed at $0.64/mile. (effective 1/2/2024)

Time Commitment

Polls are open 7 am-8 pm on Election Day, PEOs arrive at their assigned polling location at 6 am and are typically there until 9 pm. Depending on the election, there may be additional opportunities to work shifts during In-Person Absentee voting at the Courthouse. We will generally try to schedule workers to work in their precinct, but sometimes you may be asked to work in a different precinct. Precinct Election Officials always have the option to accept or decline the request to work an election.

If you are interested in becoming a precinct election official, please complete the application below.

Poll Worker Information

Fields with red labels are required.

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Mission Statement

The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.