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Iowa Law requires voters to present an acceptable form of ID when going to vote.

Acceptable Forms of Identification

  • Current Iowa Driver’s License or Non-Operator's ID
  • Current U.S. Passport
  • Current U.S. Military ID
  • U.S. Veteran’s ID
  • Tribal ID/Document
  • Voter ID "PIN" Card

When do I need to provide ID?

Voters currently are required to provide an ID number on an absentee ballot request form. Voters must present an ID when voting early in-person or on Election Day.

Voter ID "PIN" Card

Any registered voter who does not have a valid driver's license or non-operator's ID issued by the Iowa Department of Transportation were issued a Voter ID Card containing a four-digit PIN. To be valid on Election Day the Voter ID card must be signed prior to arriving at the polling place.

If you should have been issued a Voter ID card but do not have one, please contact our office.

Additional Options

If you do not have an acceptable form of identification when going to vote you have several options:

  1. Have Someone Attest to your Identity- Attesters must provide proper identification for themselves in order to attest to another voter’s identification.
  2. Cast a Provisional Ballot- For a provisional ballot to be counted, the voter must provide an acceptable form of identification at the polling place before it closes or provide it at the Auditor’s Office by noon on the following Monday. If the canvass will be held earlier than the following Monday, the identification must be provided before the canvass.

Voters were previously offered the option to sign an additional oath of identification in 2018. This option is no longer available.

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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.