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Voting Precincts
Polling locations and precincts may change depending on the type of election. If you are unsure of where to vote, please contact the Auditor's Office and we will help you find where you need to go.
Find Your Polling Place
Visit the Secretary of State's website to find where you go to vote on Election Day.
(If checking your polling location for a Special Election, please view upcoming elections or contact the Auditor's Office to verify location.)
List of Precincts
Precincts and polling locations are listed below. Use the map marker icon to generate driving directions.
- Boone County Voting Precincts
- City of Boone Voting Precincts
- City of Madrid Voting Precincts
- City of Ogden Voting Precinct
Boone County Precincts
Boone Ward 3
Rural Precinct 3