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2023 Madrid CSD Special Election (3/7/23)

March 7, 2023

Special Election
A Special Election is any election that is not regularly scheduled. A special election may be held for any purpose authorized or required by law; often to fill a vacancy or for a public measure.

Election Results

Highlighted Race(s)

Public Measure A

All Precincts Counted · Official Results
Voted No
Voted Yes

Archived Election Details

Eligible voters who live in the Madrid Community School District may vote in this election.

  • Boone & Dallas County voters will be voting at the Madrid Community Room, located at 303 S Water St in Madrid
  • Polk County voters will be voting at the Sheldahl City Cabin, located at 106 E Hubbel St, Sheldahl

Polling place hours are from 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Voter Registration

The voter pre-registration deadline is Monday, February 20 at 5p.m.

New registrants after the deadline, including on Election Day, will follow the Election Day Registration procedures. Proof of identity and proof of residence will be required.

For additional information: Register to Vote

Absentee Voting

In-Person: Voting in the Auditor's Office begins Wednesday, February 15 and will be available during regular business hours until 4:30pm, on Monday, March 6.

By Mail: The first day that ballots will be mailed is Wednesday, February 15. The last day to request a mailed ballot is Monday, February 20, the original request must be received in the Auditor's Office by 5pm that day. On the request form, mark "Special" under type of election, and fill in the election date (3/7/2023).

For additional information: Absentee Voting

Full Text Below:

Public Measure A


"Shall the Board of Directors of the Madrid Community School District, in the Counties of Boone, Dallas, and Polk, State of Iowa, for the purpose of purchasing and improving grounds; constructing schoolhouses or buildings and opening roads to schoolhouses or buildings; purchasing of buildings; purchase, lease or lease-purchase of technology and equipment; paying debts contracted for the erection or construction of schoolhouses or buildings, not including interest on bonds; procuring or acquisition of libraries; repairing, remodeling, reconstructing, improving, or expanding the schoolhouses or buildings and additions to existing schoolhouses; expenditures for energy conservation; renting facilities under Iowa Code Chapter 28E; purchasing transportation equipment for transporting students; lease purchase option agreements for school buildings or equipment; purchasing equipment authorized by law; or for any purpose or purposes now or hereafter authorized by law, be authorized for a period of ten (10) years to levy and impose a voter-approved physical plant and equipment tax of not exceeding One Dollar Thirty-Four Cents ($1.34) per One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) of assessed valuation of the taxable property within the school district, and be authorized annually, in combination, as determined by the board, to levy a physical plant and equipment property tax upon all the taxable property within the school district commencing with the levy of property taxes for collection in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, and to impose a physical plant and equipment income surtax upon the state individual income tax of each individual income taxpayer resident in the school district on December 31 for each calendar year commencing with calendar year 2024, or each year thereafter?"

Election Results

Unofficial results will be posted here after polls close and results are reported by the precincts. Results are unofficial until the Canvass of Votes takes place. The canvass will be held on Tuesday, March 14 at 10a.m.

Sample Ballots (PDF)

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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.