Frequently Asked Questions
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Assessor Attorney Auditor Community Services Conservation Engineer/Secondary Roads General Questions Health & Sanitation Planning & Development Recorder Sheriff Treasurer Show AllAssessor
Do I need to sign for Homestead Credit every year?
No, once you have signed for Homestead Credit it stays on your property until a change in ownership is recorded or the owner contacts the Assessor’s office and asks that the credit is removed.
I moved to a different home, do I need to sign up for Homestead Credit?
Yes, you are always required to sign for Homestead Credit when you move to a different property. It is important to notify our office to remove Homestead from your previous home when ownership is transferred.
If I am a veteran and have been honorably discharged, what do I need to do to sign up for the military exemption?
Your separation papers (DD214) or “Chronological Statement of Retirement Points” (if separated from the National Guard) must be recorded in our Recorder’s Office. You can not be in active duty status when making application. You must sign for the exemption in the Assessor’s Office.
If I build a new house, when will I begin paying taxes?
You will begin paying taxes eighteen (18) months after it is first assessed.
If the Assessor doesn’t determine my taxes, who does?
The Assessor estimates current value. The different taxing bodies, i.e. schools, cities and townships, compile their budgets and the funding requirements of the citizens within their taxing district. School boards determine the funding level they need in order to assist in the education of the students within their districts. City taxes pay for police and fire services as well as the public works department. City taxes are also used to help fund our library and maintain our park system. The townships fund fire and sheriff’s protection, maintenance of roads and bridges as well as rural cemeteries. The levying authorities hold a public hearing before the adoption of their budget. Open public hearings allow the property owner time to discuss their objections if they are dissatisfied with the proposed budgets. Although property taxes are paid at the courthouse, only a portion remains there. After the taxes are paid, the Treasurer must apportion to the different taxing bodies their share of each tax dollar paid in order to fund their budgets. You may find the distribution of your current and prior year tax dollars at the bottom of your tax statement.
What does this fifteen (15) digit parcel ID number mean?
Several years ago, the Assessor’s office renumbered more than 26,000 parcels in anticipation of legal standardizations. This is the breakdown of what that number means:
County ID# - 08
Township - 84
Range - 25
Section - 31
Quarter & Quarter/Quarter - 23
Quarter Numbering: NE=1, NW= 2, SW=3, SE=4
Quarter/Quarter:NE NE=11, NW NE=12, SW NE=13, SE NE=14,
NE NW=21, NW NW=22, SW NW=23, SE NW=24
Rural(00) or Subdivision(50)or City(80's) - 00
Cities: 80 - - Beaver
81 - - Berkley
82 - - Boone
83 - - Boxholm
84 - - Fraser
85 - - Luther
86 - - Madrid
87 - - Ogden
88 - - Pilot Mound
89 - - Sheldhal
Parcel Locater Number - 001
How do I find out what is happening with the case in which I am a victim?
The County Attorney's Office encourages participation from victims, but the County Attorney's Office represents the State of Iowa, not the victim. At the beginning of the case, our office will mail you paperwork in which we ask you to register with our office. If you choose not to fill out the registration form and return it, you may not get the notifications.
At any time, whether you choose to register or not, you may contact the County Attorney's Office to speak with the attorney or staff to get information about your case.
I am a victim of a crime, and I want to drop the charges against someone; what do I do?
Once a criminal complaint is filed, the State of Iowa is the prosecutor and has sole discretion on how to proceed. Therefore, just because you may want to drop the charges, it does not automatically happen. You will need to contact the County Attorney's Office to schedule an appointment with the attorney that is assigned to the criminal case to discuss potential outcomes of the case.
I have jury duty and can't make it; what do I do?
You will need to speak with the Clerk's Office, call 515-433-0561, about any questions or concerns you have about jury duty.
I have questions or issues with child support; what should I do?
The County Attorney’s Office does not handle custody cases or child support recovery. However, if you have issues with child support, you can visit the child support recovery website.
You can also contact Child Support Recovery Unit - Carroll:
625 N West St
PO Box 937
Carroll, IA 51401
Phone: 712-792-5691
Fax: 515-564-4125
Providing services for Audubon County, Boone County, Carroll County, Crawford
County, Greene County, Guthrie County and Sac County
I missed a court appearance; what do I do?
You should contact your attorney or the Clerk’s Office at 515-433-0561.
I need a court-appointed attorney; how do I get one?
If you have a pending criminal case that qualifies for a court-appointed attorney, you will have to fill out a financial affidavit and it will have to be approved by a judge. To do this, please visit the Clerk's Office in the Courthouse.
I received a subpoena; what do I do?
A subpoena is a court order requiring a person or business to either appear at a specific time and place or to provide certain documentation. Because it is a court order it is important to comply with the subpoena.
If you received a subpoena for a criminal case and have questions, you may contact the County Attorney’s Office.
I want a no contact order; where do I go?
If there's a domestic relationship, please visit the third floor Clerk's Office at the Courthouse.
If criminal charges have been filed, please contact the County Attorney's Office.
I want to drop a no contact order; what do I do?
If it is a domestic protective order, you will need to go to the Clerk's Office at the Courthouse. If it is a no contact order in a criminal case, you will need to write a letter outlining your request to deliver it to the Clerk of Court’s Office.
I want to file charges against someone; what do I need to do?
Contact the police department or sheriff’s department to file a report.
Where do I pay my fines?
The Clerk's Office at the Boone County Courthouse or Iowa Courts Online.
Where can I find Drainage District information?
Please contact Katie Moran, Deputy Auditor, at 515-433-0502.
Community Services
General Information
Can General Assistance assist with gasoline or bus tickets?
Gasoline or bus ticket assistance are only available for transient individuals who are leaving the state of Iowa.
Can General Assistance help me find an apartment?
Our office is not able to assist with locating housing, but our staff will refer individuals to:
- Rental agencies
- Central Iowa Regional Housing Authority (CIRHA), for subsidized housing
- Newspapers
- Yellow Pages
Can General Assistance pay past months rent or utility bills?
If you are eligible for assistance, GA can only assist with current months bill.
Do General Assistance assist with grocery vouchers?
Individuals requesting grocery vouchers are referred to local food pantries and the Department of Human Services to apply for food assistance. General Assistance may assist on a case-by-case basis when all other resources are exhausted.
Does Boone County General Assistance pay for nursing care in my home or for nursing care in a care facility?
No, Boone County is unable to pay for nursing care. Contact the Department of Human Services for guidance on how to apply for Title XIX.
Does General Assistance pay deposits?
No, this office is not able to assist with any type of deposits. The only agency that could possibly assist with rental deposits is CIRHA. Contact them at 515-986-1882 before you sign any rental property paperwork or make any commitment.
Does General Assistance pay for car repair?
GA is unable to pay for car repair.
Does General Assistance pay for hotels/ motels?
We are unable to pay for hotels or motels.
Does General Assistance provide assistance for people living outside of Boone County?
No. Each county in Iowa has a General Assistance office, it would be necessary to contact the county in which you reside. In addition, General Assistance does not provide help with moving to Boone County, i.e. No deposit nor first month’s rental assistance.
Does General Assistance provide mortgage or property tax assistance?
We are unable to pay mortgage or property taxes.
How are General Assistance benefits paid?
All benefits are paid directly to the provider of the service. No cash benefits are available.
How do I get help to receive and/or pay for mental health and disability services (including intellectual/developmental disabilities and brain injuries)?
Contact CICS (Central Iowa Community Services) by calling 515-433-4883.
You can also find more information on the CICS MHDS website.
If I have an emergency and need assistance with rent, utilities, etc, who do I contact first?
Boone County General Relief is a program of last resort. Please contact the following agencies first:
- Salvation Army
- 515-432-5770
- 503 Benton St. Boone, IA
- 515-432-5052 or 515-518-4770
- 606 Greene St. Boone, IA
- 515-218-1612
- 606 Greene St. Boone, IA
- CIRHA (Central Iowa Housing Authority)
- 515-986-1882
- Department of Human Services - Food Assistance, FIP, Medical
- 515-292-2035 Ext 4 or apply online
- Aging Resources of Central Iowa (disabled or over age 60)
- 800-747-5352
Is the Iowa Department of Human Services located at 900 West 3rd ST, Boone, Iowa?
No, we are not a DHS office. As a courtesy to Boone County residents, we do provide paper applications for Food Assistance, FIP, and Medical in our lobby. The Iowa Department of Human Services office was relocated to Ames, Iowa in 2008. Please follow the link to DHS for applications and to have your questions answered.
How much does it cost to camp?
- Tent Sites: $12/night
- Electric sites Swede Point: $18/night
- Electric sites Don Williams: $20/night (50 amp electric)
- Stay for 6 nights, get the 7th night free!
Can I reserve a campsite in advance?
All sites are on a first come, first serve basis. You may come in advance and reserve your own spot. If you do, you must leave a camping unit on the site, such as a tent or camper. Every night the site is reserved must be paid for. Remember to fill out a registration slip, put it in the post, and leave the envelope in the registration building or registration tube with your payment for all days the camping unit will be on it.
Do you accept credit cards for campsites?
Payment for a campsite must be made with cash or check only.
How do I reserve a campsite at Don Williams?
- As you drive into the campgrounds stop at the registration building. There you will find a mailbox on the building that contains blank registration forms.
- Fill out the top section of the envelope with:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Number of people camping
- Number of nights you are staying
- Once you have found your campsite, put the number of the site on the registration form, place the completed top slip in the post of your site, put your full payment into the envelope, and return your payment to the registration building. If there is no one around to collect your registration just slip the envelope through the slot on the door.
- Enjoy your stay!
Do you have full hookups?
No but we have have 50/30/110 amp hook ups for all electric sites at Don Williams and 30/110 service at Swede Point. There are many hydrants around so you can fill your holding tank in your unit. Most campsites have water close enough to run a hose to them without having to hook up and drive to the water. There are dump stations located near each campground. It is free to dump if you are a registered camper.
How do I rent a cabin, the lodge, or the shelter house at Don Williams Recreation Area?
You can book these on the facilities tab at The cabins fill quickly in the summer months, so it is best to plan well in advance and reserve them early.
When can I reserve a shelter house or the cabins?
- Year round and up to 2 years in advance! Go to to reserve today!
Engineer/Secondary Roads
How can I get notifications of information on road closures and construction projects?
- All major road closures and projects can be found on our Projects page.
- Sign up for road notifications
- Statewide information can be found at
How do I add a new or widen an existing driveway or field entrance?
Begin by creating an account online. Then proceed with the application process via GeoPermits. All permits must utilize the online permitting and payment system. No hard copy permits will be accepted. Work shall not start on an entrance or modification of an entrance until a permit has been reviewed, approved and paid for.
Does the County repair damaged mailboxes caused by snow removal?
Your mailbox and post should be able to withstand potential discharge from snowplows. Please take time in the fall of the year to evaluate your mailbox’s integrity. Mailboxes must meet the standards of the United States Postal Service. For a mailbox destroyed during snow removal operations, Boone County will reimburse the cost of a replacement as per the receipt of purchase amount, with a maximum reimbursement limit of $75.00 per Snow Ordinance #63.
How do I apply for dust control?
Residents apply for dust control by contacting one of our approved vendors. Dust control is applied May 10th and 11th for the 1st application and July 19th and 20th for the 2nd application. Dust control season ends on October 1st and normal blading operations resume.
I am building a new house. Who do I need to contact?
Who do I call about installing a new septic system?
Drainage Districts
What is a drainage district?
Drainage districts are formed under Chapter 468 of the Iowa Code. Drainage districts are a quasi-public association of property owners formed to facilitate cooperative drainage in a defined watershed. Drainage districts have many of the powers of municipalities or counties—to tax, to bond, to construct, etc. in respect to improving, constructing, and maintaining drainage projects. Most drainage districts were formed in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s when the wetlands were drained to make farmland.
Who is in charge of drainage districts?
The Trustees of the drainage district govern the drainage district. Most drainage districts are governed by the County’s Board of Supervisors who act as the default trustees for the district. If the property owners in the district are unsatisfied with the trustees, they can elect their own trustees from property owners in the district.
Why do we need drainage districts?
In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, there were vast areas of flat land that had inadequate drainage and were not able to be farmed. These wetlands needed to be drained for farming. Drainage district law was established which allowed for cooperative draining of these properties. These first drainage districts were for the large drainage ways of the Skunk River and Squaw Creek. Later smaller drainage districts were formed to take advantage of the improvements to these rivers. Drainage districts organize property owners to cooperate in order to get proper drainage of their property. If you were a property owner in the upper area of the watershed, drainage improvements to your farm were useless unless your neighbor downstream improved his/her drainage first. Drainage districts have both underground tile systems and open channels/ streams.
Why is my property in a drainage district?
Drainage districts are organized by watershed areas. A watershed is an area where any runoff will run to the same discharge point. For example, everyone in Boone and Story counties is in the watershed of the Mississippi River—any rain that falls in this area ultimately makes it to the Mississippi River. When a drainage district is formed, the area of the district is determined by an Engineer and mapped.
Why didn’t I know my property was in a drainage district?
That is not unusual. Most drainage districts require infrequent maintenance and as such property owners are infrequently billed for work within a district. It is possible that no work was done in the district for several years.
Why are repairs necessary?
The State law requires necessary repairs to keep the drainage district functioning to its original condition. If repairs are not done, there will be inadequate drainage and damage to properties. Any property owner in the drainage district may petition the trustees to conduct repairs. The trustees have a legal obligation to complete the repairs.
Why doesn’t the County do the work?
Private contractors are hired to perform the work. The project is put out to bid and the lowest bidder is retained to do the work. All work is in accordance with the State Law regarding drainage districts.
If no work is being done on my property, why do I have to pay?
Drainage districts are very large and interconnected. Even though work does not occur on your property, the cost of those repairs is apportioned based on the original assessment levied against the properties. There may be a time when work is performed on your land to repair a drain tile and the cost of this work will be shared by your neighbors in the drain district.
How is the assessment for repairs determined for my property?
When the drainage district was originally formed the drainage benefit evaluated for every 40 acre parcel. The drainage benefit was apportioned to each 40 acre parcel in the watershed and the assessment schedule established. Your property will be assessed for the repair work at the same percentage as the original project for the drainage district. If your property was originally 1% of the cost of constructing the district, then your repair assessment will be for 1% of the repair. If your property was subdivided, then the portion is reduced in accordance with the land area. For example, if you bought one acre from a 40 parcel, then your assesssment would be 1/40th of the original assessment. If you have several 40 acre parcels in the drainage district, then each 40 acre parcel will have its own assessment.
How do I pay for repairs?
The repairs are assessed to the property owner in the same manner as property taxes. There is a minimum of $5 if your property is within the drainage district. Any charge less than $500 per parcel of land is payable in one payment. Assessments greater than $500 per parcel of land can be waived, or paid over a period of 10 or 20 years and will include interest. Failure to pay drainage district assessments is handled in the same manner as delinquency of property taxes.
Where can I see the Engineer's reports for the Boone County Drainage Districts?
Original maps and engineer's notes from the inception of all drainage districts are available in the Auditor's Office as well as detailed maps in the County Engineer's Office.
General Questions
Can I pick up or request a ballot for someone else?
No. In Iowa you can only request an absentee ballot for yourself.
Can I request an absentee ballot by email or fax?
Yes. You may request an absentee ballot via email or fax and a ballot will be mailed to you. However, in order for your ballot to be counted you must also mail in or drop off the original paper ballot request.
Can I use power of attorney to request a ballot for my spouse, child or parent?
No. Under Iowa law, power of attorney does not apply for all election related matters.
Can someone else return my absentee ballot for me?
The only people who may return a ballot for a voter are:
- someone living in the voter’s household
- an immediate family member
- a special precinct election official delivering a ballot for health care residents
- a delivery agent, in the case of a voter unable to return a ballot due to blindness or other disability
Do I need to sign the return envelope of my absentee ballot?
Yes! Your absentee ballot cannot be counted unless you have signed the affidavit envelope that you return your ballot in. If we receive a ballot back that has not been signed we will attempt to contact you to get this fixed. Once contacted, you may decide to either:
- Request a replacement ballot and return it by 8:00 p.m. on election day
- Vote at the polls on election day
- Sign the affidavit in person at the county auditor’s office by 8:00 p.m. on election day
Do absentee ballots even get counted?
Yes. There is a myth that absentee ballots only get counted if the election is close, however, this is not true. Under Iowa law, every ballot must be counted.
What is the last day I can turn in my absentee ballot?
You are allowed to hand deliver your ballot to the Auditor’s office up until the time the polls close on Election Day. If you return your ballot through the mail, your ballot must arrive by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, with exceptions for individuals in the Safe at Home program and military/overseas citizens. Learn more on our Absentee Voting page.
Election Day
Can I get help marking my ballot?
Yes. If you need assistance filling out your ballot ask a poll worker for help. A team of one republican and one democrat will come over and help you mark your ballot. Also available in each polling location is a ballot marking device that will read you all of the choices and then print out your marked ballot.
Can I register to vote on Election Day?
Yes. Iowa law allows for Election Day registration if you are able to provide proof of identification (i.e. valid photo ID) and proof of residency (i.e. utility bill with your name on it if your ID has an outdated address on it). If you are unable to provide one or both of these you are allowed to bring someone with you to attest that you have the right to vote.
Can I take my absentee ballot to the polls on Election Day and vote there?
Yes. If you have not returned your absentee ballot you may go to your polling place on Election Day and vote a regular ballot.
Do I need to show ID to vote?
Beginning January 1, 2019, Iowa voters will be required to show a driver’s license, non-driver’s ID, passport, military ID, veterans ID, Tribal ID or Voter ID Card at the polls before they vote. Voters, starting in 2019, without an ID may cast a provisional ballot or have another registered voter attest to their identity.
I am already registered but my information needs updated; can I do that on Election Day?
Yes. While it is recommended that you update your information prior to Election Day to speed things up at the polls, you may wait and do so on Election Day. If you are updating your address just make sure you are going to the polling place for your new address. When updating your address you will now need to provide proof of identity and proof of residency.
I can't get out of my car; can someone bring me a ballot to vote from there?
Yes. If you are unable to go inside the polling place a team of election workers will be sent out to your car to help you vote.
I lost my absentee ballot; can I just go vote on Election Day?
Yes. When you go to vote, a poll worker will verify with the auditor’s office that your absentee ballot has not been returned. If it is confirmed that the auditor’s office has not received a ballot from you then you will be given a new ballot to vote there.
What do I need to bring with me to vote?
Starting in January of 2019 you will be required to show identification. If you need to register to vote on Election Day, you must bring proof of identification and proof of residency.
What if I lost my ID or forgot to take one with me to the polls?
Starting in 2019, if you do not have your ID with you, you may either cast a provisional ballot or have another registered voter attest to your identity. Learn more about provisional ballots and attesting on our Voter ID page.
What if I'm still waiting in line when the polls close?
So long as you are in line to vote at the time the polls close you will be allowed to vote.
What is a provisional ballot?
If a voter’s eligibility is in question on Election Day they are allowed to cast a provisional ballot. After the voter marks their ballot and returns it to the poll worker, the voter is required to provide the necessary identification or documentation at the polling place before it closes or provide it at the Auditor’s Office by noon on the following Monday. If the canvass will be held earlier than the following Monday, the identification must be provided before the canvass.
If it is determined that you do have the right to vote in the precinct in which you voted, your ballot will then be counted and included in the final vote total.
General Information
Can I get a new ballot if I make a mistake or lose my ballot?
Yes. If you make a mistake on an absentee ballot mark your return envelope “Spoiled” and return it to the Auditor’s office either by mail or in person. If you return it by mail contact the Auditor’s office to be sent a new one.
On Election Day if you make a mistake on your ballot, return it to the poll worker to receive a new one. You are allowed up to three ballots so don’t make too many mistakes!
Can I vote for someone that is not on the ballot?
Yes. For each race on the ballot, a line is provided for you to write-in the name of someone for whom you wish to vote for. Make sure you color in the oval!
Can an independent vote in a primary election?
Yes and No. In Iowa, you must be a member of a political party (currently: Republican and Democratic) to vote in a primary election. However, anyone* can change parties on Election Day and vote. For independents to vote they must declare a political party.
*Precinct election officials may not change political parties within 30 days of an election.
Do I have to vote for everything on the ballot?
No. You can vote for as much or as little as you would like; it’s all up to you!
If I change my mind on who I want to vote for after I have returned my ballot, can I get a new one?
No. If you have already returned your absentee ballot to the Auditor’s office you may not request a new ballot if you have changed your mind on who you wish to vote for.
If I chose a party do I have to vote for all of their candidates?
It depends on the election. In primary elections, you can only vote for candidates from the party to which you belong. In general elections, you are free to vote for anyone you like, regardless of their party affiliation.
What if I don't have an ID?
Registered voters who do not have an Iowa driver’s license or non-operator’s ID were issued a voter ID card. Voter ID cards must be signed before going to the polls. The new voter ID card will contain a PIN number that will be used for voting purposes. If you should have a voter ID card and do not, please contact our office to have one sent to you.
What is Voter ID?
Starting in 2019, voters must provide an ID when going to vote. Voters who do not have ID will be allowed to either cast a provisional ballot or have another registered voter attest to their identification. Learn more about provisional ballots and attesting on our Voter ID page.
There are 6 approved types of identification that may be used:
- an Iowa Driver’s License or Non-Operator ID
- a Voter ID issued by the Secretary of State or the Auditor’s Office
- a current US Passport
- a US Military ID
- a US Veteran’s ID
- a Tribal ID
Where do I vote?
Where you vote is determined by where you live and you must vote in the precinct to which you are assigned for your ballot to be counted. To find your polling place please visit the Polling Places page on our website.
Can I update my voter registration over the phone?
No. All updates to voter registration must be made in writing or online through the Iowa DOT if you have an Iowa driver’s license.
Can a homeless person register to vote?
Yes. Any eligible voter in Iowa may register to vote. Because many of those who are homeless have a nontraditional address they just need to provide an address or description of where they sleep the most, wherever that may be.
Can someone with a previous felony conviction vote?
Those with a prior felony conviction are only permitted to vote if their voting rights have been restored by the Governor, including through Executive Order. For more information about restoration of rights, contact the Governor’s office or visit the voter registration page on our website.
Do I have to register to vote for every election?
No. You would only need to re-register if your information has changed and you need to update it.
How do I update my address?
If you have moved recently and need to update your address for voting, all you have to do is fill out a new voter registration form and submit it to the Auditor’s office. If you do not update your address after a move through a new voter registration form and do not vote in the next general election, you will be marked inactive (inactive voters may still vote with proper ID). Registration will be canceled if two more general elections pass with no voter activity.
I just registered and received a card in the mail but there is a mistake on it; what do I do now?
If you notice a mistake on your voter card please contact the Auditor’s Office and/or submit a new registration form to correct your information.
I registered as an independent; why does my card say "NP" or "No Party"?
Iowa does not recognize an “independent” party. Instead, “No Party” is used to indicate a lack of affiliation with a political party.
Health & Sanitation
How do I get a Radon kit?
These kits will be mailed to you for $12 (including postage and handling, subject to availability). Payment is accepted online by credit card. Even if you can't make it to the office during the day, you can still get your kit ordered from your computer 24/7. Listen to KWBG AM 1590 radio on Friday mornings during January from 6:45 am to 8 am for a chance to win a FREE test kit.
Short-Term Test Kits
(test period 3 to 7 days) used for initial testing, and for re-testing when levels are above 8 pCi/L.
- (Retail value: $14.95) $12.00
Long-Term Test Kits
(test period 91 to 365 days) used for follow-up testing where the results are between 4 pCi/L and 8 pCi/L
- (Retail Value $35.95) $ 30.00
How do I get on the agenda for the Board of Health?
To get on the agenda for the Board of Health, you can call or email the Board of Health Secretary, Ed Tharp, and coordinate the date for the next available meeting.
You can then send any pertinent information to him at
How do I obtain a radon test kit?
Low cost test kits are available from the Health and Sanitation Office at the Boone County Courthouse. You can also order a short term test kit online for $12 (includes postage and handling, subject to availability). Payment is accepted online by credit card.
Short Term Test Kits
- Test period: 3 to 7 days
- Used for intial testing and for re-testing when levels are above 8pCi/L.
- Price: $12 (retail value: $14.95)
Long Term Test Kits
- Test period: 91 to 365 days
- Used for follow-up testing where the results are betweeen 4pCi/L and 8pCi/L.
- Price: $30 (retail value $35.95)
Please call the Boone County Sanitarian at 515-433-0506 during normal business hours if you have questions or for further information.
Planning & Development
E911 Address
Why should residents and businesses post their address numbers at the beginning of their driveway?
- Emergency responders can only help you when they find your location
- Posting an address number provides easy identification of your location for responders who are not always exactly familiar with your area.
- Every second counts during an emergency and posting your address number allows emergency responders to save critical time especially in reaching rural parts of Boone County.
- Homes are often hidden from view at the beginning of the driveway, only posting numbers on your home does not help responders recognize where you live since they must first turn down your driveway to find your home.
- Boone County’s resident population will increase and an increasing population means responders are required to find new and old subdivisions and home sites every day – this new or old home site may by yours!
- Displaying your civic number also assists mail, other delivery services, your family and friends to find your home.
How do I obtain an E911 physical address?
First, you must obtain a Zoning Permit and identify the location of the driveway. Pay the $50.00 E911 nominal fee and receive a reflective green 911 sign and galvanized post.
How do I get a replacement E911 sign?
Pay the $50.00 nominal E911 fee and receive a replacement reflective green 911 sign and galvanized post.
How long do I have to install a permanent county prescribed reflective sign on my property or place of business?
Within 15 days after assignment of a number under the rural address system.
Where on my property should I install my permanent E911 reflective sign?
- Emergency 911 reflective sign shall be installed on your side of the road, near the left side of the driveway entrance (as you enter your property), and clearly visible from the main road.
- Emergency 911 reflective sign shall be visible from both directions.
- Emergency 911 reflective sign shall be back from the road so snow plows won’t hit it.
- Emergency 911 reflective sign should be high enough to avoid snow in winter and weeds in summer.
- Only standardized signs with reflective white number on a green reflective background shall be posted.
- Do not place your Emergency 911 reflective sign on your mail box.
Am I required to install an Emergency 911 reflective sign on my property?
Yes. Boone County Ordinance #10, Uniform Rural Address System, set the standards which all rural address numbers are assigned in the unincorporated areas of the county and the Cities of Fraser and Berkley.
Also, Boone County Rural Address System Resolution set the standards for property number and sign location.
What could happen to me if I don’t install a permanent E911 reflective sign on my property?
Boone County Ordinance #10 states that any person found in violation of this ordinance shall be subject to up to $100.00 penalty per violation until such time the violation is corrected.
General Information
What is the Master Matrix Review Committee?
With an adopted Construction Evaluation Resolution, the Board of Supervisors appoints a Master Matrix Review Committee to review confinement construction permit applications using the master matrix in accordance with Iowa Code Section 459.305. By adopting a Construction Evaluation Resolution the Board of Supervisors agrees to evaluate every construction permit application for a proposed confinement feeding operation structure received by the Board of Supervisors each calendar year and submit an adopted recommendation regarding that application to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
Three residents are appointed to a one (1) year term by the Board of Supervisors and become the members the Master Matrix Review Committee. The Planning and Development staff act as adjunct staff to assist the review committee.
The Matrix Review Committee will review and evaluate the applicant's matrix for compliance with Iowa Code Chapter 65 - AFO CFO.
More so, a Public Notice shall be posted in the official newspaper in Boone County noting the date and time when the Board of Supervisors will review the proposed confinement feeding operation and the Matrix Committee's compliance recommendation. The public is welcomed to address their concerns to the Board of Supervisors as well as submit any written comments.
Birth Records
Can I get my birth record if I was born overseas?
Birth records of persons born in foreign countries who are citizens at birth may write to:
Passport Services Correspondence Branch
US Department of State
1111 19th Street NW Suite 510
Washington DC 20522-1705
How do I get my birth certificate?
To obtain a copy of your birth certificate you can come in person or apply by mail. We should have your record if you were born in Boone County, your parents were married at the time of your birth and you were not adopted. We may not have your birth certificate if you were born in the years 1921 through 1941. We can now issue birth certificates even if you were born in another county going back to 1985.
If you apply in person, you will need to fill out an application, bring your photo I.D., and $15.00 cash/check/card. If you apply by mail, complete and sign* the Vital Record Application on the Iowa Department of Public Health website and enclose the $15.00 fee in the form of check or money order, copy of ID, and a stamped return envelop. Once we receive your request, we’ll mail it out, usually the same day, once we’ve processed your request.
*All signatures must be notarized if the request is by mail. The applicant must sign in front of a Notary Public and include a clear photocopy of the applicant's current government-issued photo identification. Please call our office 515-433-0514 with any questions concerning vital records.
Do you process licenses for the Iowa DNR?
Yes, the Boone County Recorder’s Office does process transactions for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This includes: boat, snowmobile, ATV, ORM & OHV titles/registrations. We also sell hunting and fishing licenses, along with deer and turkey tags.
How do I get a landowner deer/turkey tag?
Make sure you have the "landowner" designation from the DNR and then come visit us.
What are the hunting season dates for pheasants, etc.?
Visit the Iowa DNR website for hunting season dates.
What do I bring to transfer a Boat/Atv/Snowmobile or OHV to your office?
If the vehicle or vessel is titled you will need to bring the signed title & bill of sale. Some vessels are only registered. In those sitiuations a signed registration and bill of sale. You may call ahead of time to make sure you have the needed documents or email them to
What do I have to do if I bought a boat, ATV, snowmobile, or ORV, and I want to put it in my name?
Bring the required documentation and your photo ID to our office.
Death & Marriage Records
How can we obtain a certified copy of death & marriage records?
- To obtain a copy of a death or marriage certificate you need to be entitled to it.
You can come in person or apply by mail. If you apply in person, you will need to fill out an application, bring your photo I.D., and $15.00 cash/check/card. If you apply by mail, complete and sign* the Vital Record Application on the Iowa Department of Public Health website and enclose the $15.00 fee in the form of check or money order. Once we receive your request, we’ll mail it out, usually the same day, once we’ve processed your request.
*All signatures must be notarized if the request is by mail. The applicant must sign in front of a Notary Public and include a clear photocopy of the applicant's current government-issued photo identification. Please call our office at 515-433-0514 with any questions concerning vital records.
General Information
What are your hours of business?
General office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday via telephone or email. We stop processing real estate documents and marriage applications at 4:00 p.m. We will still accept them and process them the next business day.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Recording Documents: Cash, checks, money orders, or credit/debit card when in person
DNR Transactions: Credit cards, cash, checks, or money orders
Vital Records: Cash, checks, money orders, or credit/debit card when in person
What are the recording fees for a document?
Visit our Recording Fees page to view document recording fees.
Can I mail in a new document(s) for recording?
Yes, you can mail in a new document(s) with proper recording payment. Please call us at 515-433-0514 or email us at to confirm fees before mailing document(s) to our office.
Do you have property abstracts on file?
No. Abstracts are not filed in our office.
Does your office handle divorce records?
No. The Boone County Clerk of Court can help you with divorce records. You may contact them at 515-433-0561.
How do I add or take somebody off the title of my property?
You can file a deed in our office. We do not have blank forms available in our office. Many people have a lawyer create one, all documents recorded must meet our Iowa Document Formatting Standards.
How do I electronically file my new recording documents?
Please visit the Iowa Land Records website.
How do I find out if my mortgage has been released?
Call our office at 515-433-0514 and we can do a search in our local system. But keep in mind we do not guarantee that we have caught everything.
How do I get a copy of my deed to my property?
You can call our office at 515-433-0514, and we will be happy to look that up for you or email us at with your information, and we will be in touch.
How much for Transfer Tax?
Please see our Transfer Tax Calculator.
Is there a survey filed on my property?
Please contact our office at 515-433-0514, and we will be happy to look it up for you or email us at with your information and we will be in touch.
What are the other forms that may be needed with the transferring document?
A Declaration of Value and a Groundwater Hazard Statement may be needed. You can find these forms on the Recorder Forms page.
Where do I find out the recording information for my mortgage or if the release of the mortgage has been filed?
Contact the Recorder’s Office or email us with your names, dates, bank information, etc. to have us do a search, but keep in mind we do not guarantee that we have caught everything. If you want a complete search contact an abstract company and they will help you out for a nominal fee.
Who can get a copy of a Military Record?
Veterans and next-of-kin of deceased veterans have full access to the record. Next-of-kin includes the un-remarried widow or widower, son or daughter, father or mother, brother or sister of the deceased veteran.
If you are entitled, please complete the Application for Certified Copy or Photocopy of Military Record form and bring it to our office. We will be happy to complete your record request if entitled to the DD214.
For more information, please contact us at 515-433-0514 or our Veteran’s Affairs Department at 515-433-4904.
Marriage License
How do I apply for a marriage license?
The Marrying Couple and one witness should come in to our office. All parties must be 18+ and have a valid photo ID. We can also send the application out as requested. When filling the Marriage Application out, we ask that the Prominent Named Person be Party A and the person who is changing their name be Party B. Once the application is filled out and the $35.00 fee is paid, we will process the application and print the licenses and certificate to be signed.
Marriage applications will be accepted until 4:00 PM. After 4:00 PM the application will not be processed until the next business day. The four-day waiting period will begin when the application is processed.
After the marriage, the completed Marriage Certificate is returned back to our office for filing. We will then make you a certified copy and mail back to you for your records and the changing of names. For any further questions, please contact our office at 515-433-0514.
Can a marriage license be applied for in Boone County if the marriage ceremony is to take place in a different county?
Yes! The license is valid anywhere in the state of Iowa.
Can we change our names through marriage?
Yes. The marriage application provides the opportunity to legally change your name. Because of this, it is important to complete the application correctly and in full. Do not use initials or nick names unless you wish them to become your legal name.
Do we need a blood test to get married?
What is the legal waiting period for remarrying after a divorce?
None. A marriage can take place at any time once a divorce is final. However, you may not apply for the marriage license until the divorce is final.
Who is legally able to perform a marriage ceremony in the state of Iowa?
An individual ordained or designated as a leader of the person’s religious faith, regardless of the sate of residence or service. Or an Iowa Judge, Magistrate, or Associate Judge serving on the Iowa Supreme Court, Court of Appeals or District Court.
Officiants can view this state form for more information.
How do I contact a deputy who handled my incident or complaint?
Call 515-433-0524, opt 2 (communications – 24/7) or opt 3 (administration office) during regular business hours and ask for the deputy who you spoke with regarding the incident or complaint. If the deputy is available you may be connected to speak with the deputy. If the deputy is unavailable you will be able to leave a message for that deputy. You will be contacted as soon as the deputy is available, please remember that our deputies work varying shifts, so they may be on their days off when you call.
How do I get a copy of an incident report or an accident report?
Call 515-433-0524, opt 3 (administration office) during regular business hours. Some charges may apply. You may also request by email to Or by fax to 515-433-0942.
How do I pick up property held by the Sheriff’s Office that is now released?
Please call 515-433-0524, opt 3 (administration office) during regular business hours and ask to speak with someone regarding property return. Some property may require a court order for return. You must set up an appointment for property return.
Sheriff Sales
Can I enter the residence I plan to purchase?
No, if the residence is unoccupied.
Yes, if the residence is occupied and you get permission to enter from the residents.
Can the Sheriff’s Office recommend an attorney?
Absolutely not.
Does the Sheriff’s Office have keys to the residence?
No. In addition, the Sheriff’s Office cannot give permission for you to enter a residence.
How does the bidding start?
The judgment holder almost always starts the bidding. Generally, the judgment holder bids in writing a plaintiff’s bid on judgment. The judgment holder’s bid, if given to the Sheriff prior to the sale, is considered a sealed bid and will not be disclosed until the sale is called.
If I get a Sheriff’s Deed and there are people living there, how do I get them out? Do I have to go through the eviction process?
These are questions for your attorney.
If I purchase and there is a redemption period, can I enter the property before the redemption period is up?
This is a question for your attorney.
If I purchase and there is a redemption period, when do I get a Sheriff’s Deed?
If you purchase property with a redemption period, you will be issued a Certificate of Purchase. When the redemption period is up, you may then return the original Certificate of Purchase to the Sheriff and receive a Sheriff’s Deed. If you lose the original Certificate of Purchase, you will not receive a Sheriff’s Deed until you get a court order directing the Sheriff to issue you a duplicate Certificate of Purchase. (626.96) If you fail to have a Sheriff’s Deed issued within 8 years after the date of issuance of the Certificate of Purchase, the Sheriff’s Sale will be canceled. (626.97)
If I purchase at a Sheriff’s Sale, what name(s) and how should I have them typed on the Sheriff’s Deed or Certificate of Purchase?
This is a question for your attorney.
If I purchase at a Sheriff’s Sale, who is responsible for back property taxes?
Taxes stay with the property. If you made the purchase, you are now responsible for the taxes.
If I purchase property at a Sheriff's Sale, do I get clear title?
Clear title is not guaranteed to real property sold at a Sheriff's Sale.
What do I need to be able to bid on a property at a Sheriff Sale?
You must bring with you a Letter of Guarantee from the bank you are using to finance the property stating the dollar amount you are preapproved to spend.
What does redemption period mean?
The redemption period is the amount of time after the sale that the defendant has the right to redeem the real estate.
What happens if I am the highest bidder and change my mind about buying the property?
Pursuant to the Code of Iowa, 626.85, the judgment holder may proceed against you for the amount you bid. If the judgment holder does not wish to proceed against you, the sale will be treated as a nullity and the Sheriff’s Office will then proceed as mandated by the Code of Iowa.
What happens if I am the successful bidder and purchase the property?
You will be allowed time to obtain a Cashier’s or Bank check for the full amount of your bid. Upon the receipt of funds, a Sheriff’s Deed or Certificate of Purchase will be issued.
When I get a Sheriff’s Deed, what do I do next?
This is a question for your attorney.
Where are sheriff sales held?
All sheriff sales are held at the Boone County Law Enforcement Center in the main foyer.
Where are you located?
Boone County Courthouse
201 State St. Room. 100
Boone, Iowa 50036
What hours are you open?
Treasurer / Motor Vehicle: Monday - Friday 8AM - 4:30PM
Driver's License: Monday - Friday 8AM - 4:15PM
What is your phone/fax number?
Treasurer (515) 433-0510
Motor Vehicle (515) 433-0512
Driver's License (515) 433-0522 - if they do not answer please leave a message and they will give you a call back
When do I receive a property tax statement?
Statements are mailed out to the owner of record prior to September 1st of each year.
When are my taxes due?
Your tax statement will provide you with two payment stubs, one for the first half and one for the second half. You may choose to pay the full year at once or pay each half by the due date.
- First half of property tax is due by September 30th of each year. Late interest will accrue starting October 1st.
- Second half of property tax is due by March 31st of each year. Late interest will accrue starting April 1st.
Please be aware that Iowa Law does grant an extension of the late interest date when the last business day falls on a Saturday or Sunday. The interest rate on delinquent taxes is one and one-half percent per month (rounded to the nearest dollar with a $1 minimum).
I mailed my payment on the due date and now I am getting a balance due letter for delinquent taxes, why?
Your payment must be postmarked by the due date in order to be processed in a timely payment. If you are receiving a balance due letter, then your payment was not postmarked on time and late interest has accrued. We have processed your payment and have sent you a letter requesting the remaining balance. Placing your payment in the mailbox on the due date does not guarantee the envelope will be postmarked on that day. The Treasurer's Office goes by the official U.S. Postal mark when processing payments.
I thought my mortgage company paid my taxes?
Original tax statements are sent to the owner of record. If your mortgage company is responsible for paying your property taxes, they will request a statement. You may retain the tax statement mailed to you for your records.
Can I make a partial payment of my tax due?
Yes, partial payments are accepted for current or delinquent real estate and mobile home property tax. If you are paying delinquent mobile home or real estate property tax, the amount of the partial payment must be greater than the late interest and cost due. Partial payments are not accepted for special assessments or tax sale redemption payments. Please indicate on your payment that it is a partial payment of tax due.
What happens if my taxes are not paid by the due date?
On the first of each month, late interest at the rate of 1.5% (rounded to the nearest dollar, with a $1.00 minimum) will be added to the unpaid balance of your property taxes. If your taxes remain unpaid, they could be subject to tax sale. If sold at tax sale and if the tax lien is not redeemed within the time specified by Iowa law, the purchaser may initiate proceedings to obtain a tax deed to the property.
What are my payment options when paying my property taxes?
Payment can be made by cash, check, credit or debit card, or money order. Payments can be made online.
Where do I make my payment?
Payments can be made online here. You can also mail payment to or pay in person at:
Boone County Treasurer
201 State St.
Boone, Iowa 50036
What should I do if I receive a tax statement on a home I recently sold?
- Forward the tax statement to the new owners. Or;
- Return the tax statement to us. Please note on the statement, "Sold, Please send to New Owner Or;
- Notify the Treasurer's Office of the sale by calling 515-433-0510.
I just purchased this property and I am now being told that I am responsible for the full year's taxes, how can this be?
In a typical real estate transaction, taxes are prorated and the buyer is given credit for the seller's portion. You should look at your settlement statement provided to you in closing to confirm this.
Where can I get the latest information about my property?
Call 515-433-0510 for information concerning property taxes.
Why were special assessment statements mailed to me?
The special assessment statement will inform you of the type of special assessment you are being billed for. Examples of special assessments are paving, sidewalk repairs and delinquent water bills. Special assessments generally are due once a year with the first half property tax installment.
I am going to be moving my mobile home to another location, do I need a tax clearance form?
Yes, a mobile home tax clearance form is required when moving your mobile home to another location.
How late can I pay my taxes and not get my name published?
If taxes are paid by May 15th, they will not get published on the Delinquent Tax List.
What should I do if I have a tax sale on my property?
Please contact this office at 515-433-0510 to determine what your rights concerning redemption are and the amount necessary to redeem the tax sale. Under Iowa law, you may make a full redemption by making payment to the County Treasurer for the amount for which the parcel was sold and interest of 2 percent per month. Additional amounts may accrue. The tax sale certificate holder, beginning fourteen days following the date from which a subsequent installment becomes delinquent, may pay taxes for subsequent years.
You must have an interest in the parcel sufficient to give you the right to redeem the tax sale. A sufficient interest means that you must be one of the following:
- The titleholder of record.
- The person in whose name the parcel was/is taxed.
- A person in possession of the parcel.
- A mortgagee with a lien on the parcel.
- A vendor of the parcel under a recorded contract of sale.
- A lessor with a recorded lease or memorandum of recorded lease.
- Any other person with an interest of record (examples: judgment creditor of record, vendee under recorded real estate contract, holder of an inherited or devised recorded interest, tax sale certificate holder).
- A person who acquired an interest in or possession of the parcel subsequent to the filing of the notice of expiration of the right of redemption (this category is applicable only to tax sales occurring on or after April 24, 1995).
Have you been personally served or received a Notice to Redeem From Tax Sale stating that you have ninety days to redeem the parcel from tax sale? Please contact our office at 515-433-0510 to obtain the amount to redeem your property from tax sale. If redemption is not completed within the period provided by law, the right to redeem expires and a tax sale deed may be issued to the purchaser of the tax sale.
Is there any type of credit or help available for elderly, disabled, or low-income property owners?
To find out if you qualify for the Iowa Property Tax Credit and to obtain an application, please contact our office at 515-433-0510.