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Policies and Forms
View a summary of Boone County's policies and forms for full-time employees.
- Benefits Eligibility
- Sheriff / Dispatchers Union Agreement and wage scale
- Secondary Roads Union Wage Agreement and Information
- Boone County Correctional / Jailer Information and wage scale
- Courthouse Employee Pay Scale
- Reimbursements: Meal and Mileage
- Shift Change Form
- Other Employment Disclosure Form
- Harassment Policy and Harassment Complaint Form
- Authorization for the Release of Personal Information
- Open Records Request Form
- Iowa W4 Employee Withholding Form
- Federal W-4 Employee Withholding Certificate
- ADA Nondiscrimination
- Equal Employment Opportunity
- Title Vl Notice to the Public
If you have any questions about your benefits or salary, please contact Human Resources at 515-433-4952.