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2023 Granular Surfacing

posted on 4/14/23

Beginning on Monday, April 24th Stratford Gravel will begin hauling gravel to various granular roadways throughout Boone County from the County Pit located on 285th Lane. Gravel hauling from the County Pit is anticipated to take 8 – 12 days weather dependent.

Upon hauling completion from the County Pit, Stratford Gravel will begin hauling from the Lowman Pit located southeast of Moingona. Gravel hauling from the Lowman Pit will likely commence the first week of May.

Finally, Stratford Gravel will haul from the Leininger Pit located on 150th St in Harrison Township. Gravel hauling operations should be completed by the middle of May.

Please use caution when approaching areas where gravel is being placed on the roadway.


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