Public Notice

Peoples Township
Resolution to Sell Real Estate
Whereas, Peoples Township owns certain real estate that is no longer needed for the operation of the township and that it would further be desirous to sell some; be it:
RESOLVED, that Peoples Township sell real estate known or described as 2 Acre Tract – 1 acre tract beginning at the Southwest corner of Section 15, Peoples Township 82 North, Range 27 West of the 5th P.M., Boone County, Iowa and 1 acre tact beginning at a point 16 rods North of the Southwest corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of section 15, Peoples Township 82 North, Range 27 West of the 5th P.M., Boone County, Iowa to purchase as set forth in a certain purchase and sales agreement as annexed hereto.
The undersigned hereby certifies that I am the duly elected Clerk and the custodian of the books and records of Peoples Township, a Township duly formed pursuant to the laws of the state of Iowa and that the foregoing is a true record of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the Trustees and that said meeting will be held in accordance with state law and the Bylaws of the above named Peoples Township on September 23, 8AM at 2271 L Avenue, Woodward, Iowa 50276 and that said resolution will be in full force and effect without modification or rescission.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed my name as Clerk and have hereunto affixed the Township seal of the above name Peoples Township this 13, September of 2023.
Robin L Frantum
Peoples Township Clerk