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Frequently Asked Questions

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E911 Address


Why should residents and businesses post their address numbers at the beginning of their driveway?

  1. Emergency responders can only help you when they find your location
  2. Posting an address number provides easy identification of your location for responders who are not always exactly familiar with your area.
  3. Every second counts during an emergency and posting your address number allows emergency responders to save critical time especially in reaching rural parts of Boone County.
  4. Homes are often hidden from view at the beginning of the driveway, only posting numbers on your home does not help responders recognize where you live since they must first turn down your driveway to find your home.
  5. Boone County’s resident population will increase and an increasing population means responders are required to find new and old subdivisions and home sites every day – this new or old home site may by yours!
  6. Displaying your civic number also assists mail, other delivery services, your family and friends to find your home.

How do I obtain an E911 physical address?


First, you must obtain a Zoning Permit and identify the location of the driveway. Pay the $50.00 E911 nominal fee and receive a reflective green 911 sign and galvanized post.

Apply Online


How do I get a replacement E911 sign?


Pay the $50.00 nominal E911 fee and receive a replacement reflective green 911 sign and galvanized post.


How long do I have to install a permanent county prescribed reflective sign on my property or place of business?


Within 15 days after assignment of a number under the rural address system.


Where on my property should I install my permanent E911 reflective sign?

  • Emergency 911 reflective sign shall be installed on your side of the road, near the left side of the driveway entrance (as you enter your property), and clearly visible from the main road.
  • Emergency 911 reflective sign shall be visible from both directions.
  • Emergency 911 reflective sign shall be back from the road so snow plows won’t hit it.
  • Emergency 911 reflective sign should be high enough to avoid snow in winter and weeds in summer.
  • Only standardized signs with reflective white number on a green reflective background shall be posted.
  • Do not place your Emergency 911 reflective sign on your mail box.

Am I required to install an Emergency 911 reflective sign on my property?


Yes. Boone County Ordinance #10, Uniform Rural Address System, set the standards which all rural address numbers are assigned in the unincorporated areas of the county and the Cities of Fraser and Berkley. 

Also, Boone County Rural Address System Resolution set the standards for property number and sign location. 


What could happen to me if I don’t install a permanent E911 reflective sign on my property?


Boone County Ordinance #10 states that any person found in violation of this ordinance shall be subject to up to $100.00 penalty per violation until such time the violation is corrected.

General Information


What is the Master Matrix Review Committee?


With an adopted Construction Evaluation Resolution, the Board of Supervisors  appoints a Master Matrix Review Committee to review confinement construction permit applications using the master matrix in accordance with Iowa Code Section 459.305. By adopting a Construction Evaluation Resolution the Board of Supervisors agrees to evaluate every construction permit application for a proposed confinement feeding operation structure received by the Board of Supervisors each calendar year and submit an adopted recommendation regarding that application to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. 

Three residents are appointed to a one (1) year term by the Board of Supervisors and become the members the Master Matrix Review Committee. The Planning and Development staff act as adjunct staff to assist the review committee.

The Matrix Review Committee will review and evaluate the applicant's matrix for compliance with Iowa Code Chapter 65 - AFO CFO.

More so, a Public Notice shall be posted in the official newspaper in Boone County noting the date and time when the Board of Supervisors will review the proposed confinement feeding operation and the Matrix Committee's compliance recommendation.  The public is welcomed to address their concerns to the Board of Supervisors as well as submit any written comments.   


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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.