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Driver's License


Driver's License is by APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Please call 515-433-0522 or email Shelby at or Stephanie at to set up an appointment.

County Convenience Fee

July 1, 2023 legislation was passed to allow county DL locations to begin collecting a $10 convenience fee for Driver's License or State ID transactions completed for customers that are not residents of the county in which they’re being served. Starting September 1, 2023 Boone County will charge the $10 convenience fee for non residents of the county

Hours & Locations

You are able to renew your driver's license or identification card 6 months before or 60 days after your birthday.
If your driver's license has been expired for one year or more, you will have to do full testing (computer and skills).

General Hours & Appointments

Driver's license services are available Monday through Friday by appointment only. Please call 515-433-0522 to setup an appointment. 

  • Renewals | 8:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m  By appointment only  You may be eligible to renew online at
     - If you turned 18, you may be eligible to renew online on or after  your 18th birthday
    -  If you are 21 or older and have a vertical license or non-operators ID card, you may be eligible to get a horizontal card replacement online.
  • Knowledge Test | 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m By appointment only 
    Students may take the web-based knowledge test, 
    - The student is within 30 days of their 14th birthday and younger than 18
    - The student has an electronic device (not a phone or tablet) connected to the Internet
    - The parent/guardian administering the test must has a valid Iowa driver's license.
  • Drive Tests | Tuesday and Thursday mornings By appointment only 
    ** Please bring your current registration & proof of insurance to your appointment; if you are 10mins late, your drive will need to be rescheduled

You may also email to set up an appointment:
Shelby at 
Stephanie at


County Convenience Fee

July 1, 2023 legislation was passed to allow county DL locations to begin collecting a $10 convenience fee for Driver's License or State ID transactions completed for customers that are not residents of the county in which they’re being served.  Starting September 1, 2023 Boone County will charge the $10 convenience fee for non residents of the county.

Permit Requirements

  • Be at least 14 years old.
  • Pass the knowledge and vision test.
  • Your parent or guardian must provide written consent, either in-person at the DMV or complete the Parent’s/Guardian’s Written Consent Form (form 430018) and bring it with you when you come in to get your permit issued.
  • Provide a primary form of identification, proof of residency, and proof of Social Security number. Create a list of documents to take with you to the DMV.
  • Instruction permits will be issued with an expiration date of four years.

Special Restricted Minor License Requirements

  • Be at least 14 1/2 years old.
  • Complete an Iowa-approved driver education course.
  • Hold a valid instruction permit and a clean driving record for at least 6 consecutive months immediately before applying for your special minor's restricted license.
  • Complete a drive test at the DMV if your driver’s education instructor requests it, or if you completed the Parent-Taught Driver’s Education Program.
  • Completed Affidavit for Speical Minor's Restricted License (Iowa DOT Form 430021)
  • You must carry this completed form with you in the vehicle  (Iowa DOT Form 430022)

Intermediate License Requirements

  • Be at least 16 years old.
  • Complete an Iowa-approved driver education course.
  • Have a valid instruction permit (or instruction permit and special minor’s restricted license) for a total of 12 months.
  • Have satisfied any suspensions and delays due to violations that occurred while holding a special minor’s restricted license.
  • Complete a drive test at the DMV if your driver’s education instructor requests it, or if you completed the Parent-Taught Driver’s Education Program.
  • Your parent or guardian must provide written consent, either in-person at the DMV or complete the Parent’s/Guardian’s Written Consent Form (form 430018) and bring it with you when you come in to get your intermediate license issued.


For driver's license and identification card costs please visit
Boone County will charge the $10 convenience fee for non residents of the county, this cost is added to the total

  • Renewal Requirements
    • 2-year renewals | younger than 17 years and 11 months
    • 8-year renewals | older than 17 and 11 months to 72-year-olds
    • 7-year renewals | 73-year-olds
    • 6-year renewals | 74-year-olds
    • 5-year renewals | 75-year-olds
    • 4-year renewals | 76-year-olds
    • 3-year renewals | 77-year-olds
    • 2-year renewals | 78-year-olds and older

Payment Options

  • Cash
  • Check made out to Treasurer, State of Iowa
  • Debit/credit cards for an additional $1.50 fee
  • Any form of returned payment will have an additional $30.00 returned item fee assessed
  • Boone County will charge the $10 convenience fee for non residents of the county

Identification Cards


Duplicates cost $10. A duplicate would include any changes that may be needed to your driver's license or identification card before your expiration date, including but are not limited to: Address Update, Name Change, Lost or Stolen, adding the REAL ID, Removing Restrictions, etc.

Suspensions & Revocations

  • OWI
  • Suspension due to an accident
  • Nonpayment of Fines
  • Habitual Violator/Serious Violation

For more information regarding the items listed above please visit

Commercial Drivers Licence (CDL)

For information regarding; How to Get a CDL, Testing, Medical Cards & Certification, Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT), CDL Permits, Renewal of your CDL or to Update your CDL, and more please visit

CDL Self Certification of Interstate or Intrastate

Submit your medical certificate here
Check your CDL status here

If you have a CDL you must certify if you are interstate or intrastate. Intrastate includes using your CDL only within the state of Iowa while interstate is using your CDL while outside of the state of Iowa.

If you certify as non-excepted interstate you will need the following:

Failure to comply with the required timeline will result in a downgrade of your CDL. 

See the diagram below for more information on interstate vs intrastate.

Commercial Driver's License Chart
Click on the image to view a PDF version

Reminder! CDL holders must bring in their birth certificate, passport or INS document to renew if they don’t have a Real ID. 

CDL Requirements

Optional  Designations

  • Veteran Designation
  • Organ and Tissue Donor Designation
  • Deaf or Hard of Hearing Designation
  • Medical Advance Directive Designation (Living Will)
  • Medical Alert Designation 
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Designation

For more information and required documents please see the Iowa DOT website or click the button below.

Optional Designations

Persons with Disabilities Parking Products

Removable windshield placards are issued to a person with a disability on a temporary (six months) or permanent (five year) basis. Removable windshield placards may also be issued to an organization that transports persons with disabilities and/or elderly customers.

Be sure to bring your completed Application for Persons with Disabilities Parking Permit for Iowa Residents and your medical statement; The following medical professionals licensed to practice in any U.S. state may provide the medical statement: physicians (including podiatrists), chiropractors, physician's assistants, nurse practitioners, occupational therapists, and physical therapists. If you are a veteran with a service-related disability, you may submit a disability determination made by the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs in lieu of a medical statement documenting disability.

For more information regarding plates, stickers or general information please visit

REAL ID Requirements

  • Deadline: May 7, 2025
  • Typical documents needed (you will need all three):
    • Identity
      • Birth certificate (state certified, not from the hospital) or valid passport
    • Social security
      • Proof of social security (social security card, anything listing your full social security number or social security number affidavit for driver's license or identification card services)
    • Residency
      • Two pieces of mail (utility bills, junk mail, package label, etc.)
    • You may also need proof of legal name change, if applicable
      • If your legal name has changed, you will need to bring in your certified legal name change documents
        (i.e. certified marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc.).
    • To change your existing license to the Real ID license it is $10 if you are not up for renewal.

Iowa DOT REAL ID Info  

Address Change

In-state address changes cost $10 for a duplicate if you are not up for renewal.

Please visit, to view or change the mailing address you have on file with the Iowa DOT. Please note that completing this service online will only update your mailing address in the DOT’s records; you will not receive a new driver’s license or identification card with your new address in the mail.  You will have to go into a station to get your plastic updated.

New to Iowa?

Learn how to get an Iowa driver's license.

  • You will need to bring:
    • Proof of identity (passport, birth certificate, INS documents)
    • Proof of social security (social security card, anything listing your full social security number or social security number affidavit for driver's license or identification card services)
    • Proof of residency x 2 (2 pieces of mail)
    • If your legal name has changed, you will need to bring in your certified legal name change documents (i.e. certified marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc.)

For additional forms, please check out the online forms. 

View More Forms


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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.