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Tax Sale


Tax Sale Terms and Conditions

Notice to Tax Sale Purchasers 2024

Tax Sale Registration
If you would like to register to bid at the Boone County Tax Sale

Iowa Tax Auction

The Boone County Treasurer is responsible for the administration of the Annual Tax Sale and must offer for sale, in an open competitive bidding process (Iowa Code Chapter 446), parcels in which taxes have become delinquent. The purpose of the tax sale is to collect unpaid taxes. The Annual Tax Sale takes place in June of each year.

Delinquent taxes on a parcel subject to sale will be advertised in June in the Boone News Republican, Ogden Reporter, and Madrid Register. Properties are listed in parcel number order and have a sequence number for bidding purposes. Copies of the list are available at the Boone County Treasurer's Office. In addition, a printout of those parcels may also be purchased.

The investor is responsible for all research on parcels available for auction.

Please contact the Boone County Treasurer's Office at 515-433-0510 for information concerning tax sale redemption funds.

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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.