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Relief Program

The Boone County Veteran's General Assistance Program is funded by the County to provide emergency assistance for basic needs of Boone County Veterans and families.

Basic Needs

  • Rent  
  • Food  
  • Utilities  
  • Burial
  • Special Needs

To be eligible for this program you must meet the following requirements: 

  1. Be a Veteran with an Honorable Discharge. 
  2. Be a resident of Boone County. 
  3. Meet income guidelines. 
  4. Apply for any and all benefits for which you might be eligible for. VA General Assistance is a program of last resort. Agencies you need to contact and receive a written response from are: 
    1. Salvation Army
      1. 515-432-5770
      2. 503 Benton St. Boone, IA
    2. IMPACT
      1. 515-432-5052 or 515-518-4770
      2. 606 Greene St. Boone, IA
    3. LIHEAP
      1. 515-218-1612
      2. 606 Greene St. Boone, Ia
    4. CIRHA ( Central Iowa Housing Authority)
      1. 515-986-1882
    5. Department of Human Services - Food Assistance, FIP, Medical
      1. 515-292-2035 Ext 4 or apply online
    6. Aging Resources of Central Iowa (disabled or over age 60)
      1. 800-747-5352
  5. Register with Iowa Workforce. (unless disabled) 
  6. Have emergency basic needs that cannot be met by other means.

How do I apply for VA General Relief Assistance?

The first step to apply for VA General Assistance is to file a completed application and provide the requested information.  A copy of the application can be picked up in the County Community Services offices/Veterans Affairs office at 900 West 3rd St, Boone, Iowa, or download by clicking the link below. Please provide a valid, clearly written phone number and email address on your completed application. A phone or face-to-face interview will be scheduled. No payment can be made if it will not remedy the emergency. The veteran must be able to show how next month’s bill will be paid.

General Relief Application

To file a completed application:

  1. FAX the completed application to 515-432-2480
  2. Email the completed application to ccs_ as PDF Attachment.
  3. Mail the application to Boone County Veterans General Assistance at 900 West 3rd ST, Boone, Ia.  50036
  4. Drop off the application to the Boone County Community Services local office at 900 West 3rd ST, Boone, Iowa

Call 515-433-0593 if you have any questions. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The following information must be provided prior to a determination for assistance.

We will NOT accept SNIPS or Pictures of verification forms, or applications. We need them scanned to us as a PDF Attachment.

  • DD214
  • Proof of all household income received in the past 30 days.  If self-employed, provide last years income tax return
  • Copy of current bill that you are requesting assistance for
  • Copy of all current bank statements (checking and savings) 
  • Childcare costs (written proof)
  • Current child support statement as to income or an expense
  • If applying for rental assistance, need current lease that shows your name, rent amount, address, landlord’s name, landlord’s address, and landlord’s phone number
  • Letter from IMPACT  515-432-5052
  • Letter from Salvation Army  515-432-5770

Additional Resources

  • NACo Prescription drug card program
  • Needymeds Prescription program – find help with cost of medication
  • Iowa Workforce Development
  • Iowa Department of Human Services
  • DHS Online Application for State of Iowa Services (OASIS)
  • Health Insurance for Children (Hawki)

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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.