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Frequently Asked Questions

General Information


Can General Assistance assist with gasoline or bus tickets?


Gasoline or bus ticket assistance are only available for transient individuals who are leaving the state of Iowa.


Can General Assistance help me find an apartment?


Our office is not able to assist with locating housing, but our staff will refer individuals to:

  • Rental agencies
  • Central Iowa Regional Housing Authority (CIRHA), for subsidized housing
  • Newspapers
  • Yellow Pages

Can General Assistance pay past months rent or utility bills?


If you are eligible for assistance, GA can only assist with current months bill. 


Do General Assistance assist with grocery vouchers?


Individuals requesting grocery vouchers are referred to local food pantries and the Department of Human Services to apply for food assistance. General Assistance may assist on a case-by-case basis when all other resources are exhausted.


Does Boone County General Assistance pay for nursing care in my home or for nursing care in a care facility?


No, Boone County is unable to pay for nursing care.  Contact the Department of Human Services for guidance on how to apply for Title XIX. 


Does General Assistance pay deposits?


No, this office is not able to assist with any type of deposits. The only agency that could possibly assist with rental deposits is CIRHA. Contact them at 515-986-1882 before you sign any rental property paperwork or make any commitment.   


Does General Assistance pay for car repair?


GA is unable to pay for car repair. 


Does General Assistance pay for hotels/ motels?


We are unable to pay for hotels or motels.


Does General Assistance provide assistance for people living outside of Boone County?


No. Each county in Iowa has a General Assistance office, it would be necessary to contact the county in which you reside.  In addition, General Assistance does not provide help with moving to Boone County, i.e. No deposit nor first month’s rental assistance. 


Does General Assistance provide mortgage or property tax assistance?


We are unable to pay mortgage or property taxes. 


How are General Assistance benefits paid?


All benefits are paid directly to the provider of the service. No cash benefits are available. 


How do I get help to receive and/or pay for mental health and disability services (including intellectual/developmental disabilities and brain injuries)?


Contact CICS (Central Iowa Community Services) by calling 515-433-4883.

You can also find more information on the CICS MHDS website.


If I have an emergency and need assistance with rent, utilities, etc, who do I contact first?


Boone County General Relief is a program of last resort. Please contact the following agencies first:

  • Salvation Army
    • 515-432-5770
    • 503 Benton St. Boone, IA
    • 515-432-5052 or 515-518-4770
    • 606 Greene St. Boone, IA
    • 515-218-1612
    • 606 Greene St. Boone, IA
  • CIRHA (Central Iowa Housing Authority)
  • Department of Human Services - Food Assistance, FIP, Medical
  • Aging Resources of Central Iowa (disabled or over age 60)

Is the Iowa Department of Human Services located at 900 West 3rd ST, Boone, Iowa?


No, we are not a DHS office.  As a courtesy to Boone County residents, we do provide paper applications for Food Assistance, FIP, and Medical in our lobby.  The Iowa Department of Human Services office was relocated to Ames, Iowa in 2008.  Please follow the link to DHS for applications and to have your questions answered.

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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.