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Permits and Policies

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Entrance Permit

An entrance permit is required for any new entrance or extension installed on roads maintained by the County. There is no charge for this permit. The Secondary Road Department will do an on-site evaluation of the proposed entrance to evaluate sight distance and determine the size of drainage structure, if necessary. If you would like to have Boone County review a location for a new entrance or extension, visit our Entrance Permitting System. With this system,  an applicant will be able to create a permit and pay for a County built entrance/extension on-line. First-time visitors to this site will need to create a User ID. Please save this information for your next visit.

No Spray Request

If you would like to make a no spray request in the right-of-way adjoining your property, you can fill out the No Spray Request Form and submit it to the Boone County Engineer's Office or email to No Spray signs can be picked up at the Boone County Engineer’s Office to mark desired no spray locations.

For People Who Have Requested A No Spraying Area:
Noxious weed control is still required in all areas of the right-of-way. When you request a "No Spray" area you are agreeing to perform control yourself!


Boone County has initiated a new online Oversize/Overweight Permitting System. With this system, the entire OSOW permitting process will only be available on-line. The applicant is able to create the permit, pay for the permit and print the permit at their convenience. A link to the permitting website can be found below. First-time visitors to this site will signup, creating a User ID. Please save this information for your next visit.

Utility/Right-of-Way Permit

Boone County issues this permit for activities in the Right of Way. In addition to filling out the Utility Permit, a sketch or aerial photo with the work to be done shown must be attached.  We also need to have a certificate of insurance. If you do work in the county, we only need one certificate of insurance per year.


Dust Control

Dust Generated by the traffic on gravel roads is a common concern with rural living.  The County does not apply dust control, except where the road is established as a detour or haul route.  If you would like to apply dust control in front of your home, you can contact one of the vendors on our list of approved vendors or apply your own by requesting a Dust Control Permit Application.  Upon approval of the permit, the resident should adhere to the Dust Control by Private Owner Policy.

Information on becoming an approved vendor and the vendors obligations to the property owners are described in the Dust Control by Commercial Applicator Policy.

Snow Removal

Each snow or ice storm has its own characteristics and must be dealt with accordingly. Hard surfaced roads have trucks assigned to remove the snow and are the first to be opened following a snowstorm. Curves, hills, bridges, and intersections will be treated with a sand salt mixture for icy conditions. Granular surfaced roads are not treated for ice. Boone County uses motor graders to remove the snow on the gravel roads. The details of the snow removal operations can be reviewed in the County Snow Ordinance.

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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.