Health & Sanitation
201 State St. · Second Floor
Boone, IA 50036
Driving Directions
Contact Information
515-432-1636 (Fax)
Our Team

Mike Salati
County Sanitarian
Ed Tharp
Code Enforcement Officer, Environmental Health Specialist
Wanda Cox
Administrative Assistant
Health & Sanitation
The Health and Sanitation Department is responsible for managing and coordinating the following activities in Boone County:
- Septic System permitting and inspection
- The Keep Boone County Healthy Program
- Environmental Health and Nuisance Complaints
- Illegal Dumping
- Salvage Yard Permitting and Inspection
- The Grants to Counties Well Program
- The Boone County Board of Health (Secretary and Staffing)
Any questions can be referred to at 515-433-0506 or by email to Ed Tharp at