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Additional Programs

Health & Nuisance Complaints

The Boone County Health & Sanitation Ordinance (page 50) deals with nuisances. For those wishing to make a complaint of a nuisance, the Board of Health Complaint form must be filled out and filed with Health & Sanitation Services. Once a complaint form has been received, the Code Enforcement Officer will investigate the complaint, and initiate appropriate action to have the problem rectified.

  • Complaint Form
  • Please note that complaints may remain anonymous by checking the box indicating "NO I do not wish that this information be made public record."  This information will then remain confidential unless ordered to be released by a Judge or Magistrate. If neither box is checked, the record will be considered a public record.

Radon Awareness

RADON is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that can build up inside your home and make your family sick!  The only way to know if you have high RADON levels is to test your home.

January is RADON Action Month
However, the hazard from radon continues year-round. 

Test Kits

Find information about radon danger and testing.

Order a testing kit

These kits will be mailed to you for $12 (including postage and handling, subject to availability). Payment is accepted online by credit card. Even if you can't make it to the office during the day, you can still get your kit ordered from your computer 24/7. Listen to KWBG AM 1590 radio on Friday mornings during January from 6:45 am to 8 am for a chance to win a FREE test kit.

Short-Term Test Kits
(test period 3 to 7 days) used for initial testing, and for re-testing when levels are above 8 pCi/L.

  • (Retail value: $14.95) $12.00

Long-Term Test Kits
(test period 91 to 365 days) used for follow-up testing where the results are between 4 pCi/L and 8 pCi/L

  • (Retail Value $35.95) $30.00

These kits are easy to use, directions are included.  Postage and labs fees are paid, so testing is INCLUDED in the Cost. 

Facts About Radon

  • Iowa is #1 in the nation for homes with radon levels above the EPA recommended action limit.
  • Radon kills more than 20,000 persons per year in the United States alone.
  • Radon can be in any home or building.
  • Testing for Radon is easy, fast, and inexpensive.
  • Radon problems in your home can be fixed!

Information about Radon is available at the following websites:

If you have questions, or for further information, call the Boone County Sanitarian at 515-433-0506 during normal business hours.

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Mission Statement

The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.