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Keep Boone County Healthy

The Keep Boone County Healthy program is a local version of the National Healthy Homes Initiative. This program brings together cooperating agencies that strive to work together to help protect the health of Boone County Residents.

Keep Boone County Healthy

The Keep Boone County Program provides free services to residents in two forms. First, the program conducts seminars known as the Home Owner Maintenance Education (H.O.M.E.) seminars on topics relevant to homeowners wanting to make their homes healthier, more comfortable and protect their investment. Secondly, a team of inspectors conduct voluntary inspections to find ways that homeowners can make their homes healthier and reduce the effects of chronic illness such as asthma and environmental allergies. The H.O.M.E. seminars are delivered throughout the in Boone, Luther, Madrid, Ogden and Pilot Mound. Call the Health & Sanitation Department at 515-433-4964 for current seminar information.

The H.O.M.E seminar list includes the following topics:

  • Intro to Healthy Homes
  • Septic Systems Maintenance and Operation
  • Mold and Moisture Control
  • Keeping Your Home Clean and Pest Free (Integrated Pest Management)
  • Radon
  • Weatherization
  • Backyard Composting
  • Keeping Your Home Safe and Contaminant Free
  • Keeping Your Home Well Ventilated and Maintained

Home Owner Maintenance Education Program

Septic System Maintenance And Operation

The following resources are available to be used by County Sanitarians to establish a local H.O.M.E. program in their respective jurisdictions.  To obtain the files, click on the following links, and when the file opens save it to your local computer. 

Permission is granted to modify and use these materials as long as all references to Boone County and its logos, staff, and programs are changed to the applicable county. 


Illegal Dumping

Boone County Health and Sanitation and the Boone County Board of Health have partnered with Keep Boone County Beautiful and the Boone County Landfill to address illegal dumping related issues. This effort is part of the state-wide “Take A Stand For Your Land” program that was originally developed in Boone, Appanoose and Linn Counties.

Each year Boone County and our local communities spend taxpayer monies to cleanup illegal dump sites. Illegal dumping not only costs taxpayers, these activities threaten to contaminate the natural environment and put public employees at risk of being injured while cleaning up illegally dumped materials.

Report Illegal Dumping

Please report illegal dump sites that you find within Boone County, especially if you observe illegal dumping in progress. If you observe someone in the process of illegal dumping, please call 911 to report it.

Illegal dumping is a crime! Otherwise, if all you need to do is report an illegal dump site, a toll-free number has been established that will direct your call to the Boone County Illegal Dumping Enforcement Officer:  1-877-2NODUMP


You can also report by email:  

Try to record as much information as possible before you call. This information can include: location of dump site, description of items, date and time observed, and if applicable – vehicle/license number and description of persons involved. This information will help the investigating officer(s) and can help lead to an arrest and conviction. Boone County has, and will continue to, prosecute illegal dumping violators.

Help Raise Awareness About Illegal Dumping
You can help raise awareness about the negative issues associated with illegal dumping. Download the brochure below and share with friends and family. You can also request a free bumper sticker(s) to help promote the illegal dumping reporting number. Businesses and workplaces can also help by downloading the poster below and putting it in your place of work where employees and customers can see it.


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Mission Statement

The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.