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Private Well Water Testing

Learn how Iowa Private Well Grants Program will test your well water for free annually.


Private Well Testing Information

Iowa's Private Well Grants Program (PWG) provides free water testing to all private well owners and users for the analytes listed below. The Iowa DNR recommends that all private well owners have their water tested at least annually. To get your private well tested, please contact your local county health department.  Click here to fill out an application for a well test.

County Health Department - contact list (click here)

Private Well Services - Grant money available

In addition to private well testing, the PWG program offers funding for the private well related services listed below.

Please follow these steps:

  1. Contact your county health department (click here) and notify them that you are wanting one of the above services.
  2. Contact a DNR certified well contractor to perform the work. The bullets below tell what type of work each type of contractor can perform, and links to a list of those contractors sorted by their city of residence. 
  3. Non-certified contractors or non-certified people are not legally allowed to perform well services in Iowa, so always double check with the person you hire to ensure they are certified by and on the lists linked above. 
  4. Tell the contractor you are seeking Private Well Grants funds and will require the following documents following completion of work:
    1. Fully completed DNR form based on the type of work
    2. Itemized "paid" invoice
  5. Submit these items to the county health department (click here)
  6. The county will reimburse you directly once your required forms and invoice have been reviewed and approved.

More Information

If you are seeking testing for analytes that are not listed above, please contact your county health department to discuss your situation. If the county thinks additional testing is needed, the county may be able to contact the State Hygienic Laboratory to seek approval for further testing of more complex contaminants, or provide additional guidance to improve your water quality. Please see the State Hygienic Laboratory GTC website to learn more.

Private Well Grants - Guidance Document for Qualifying Services - this document provides detailed information regarding what types of wells and specific services qualify for PWG funding.

The PWG program is a collaborative program with administration through the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and technical assistance  provided by the Iowa DNR's Private Well Program. To learn more about the PWG Program, please visit this HHS web page: Private Well Grants (PWG).

A summary of the private well testing process for private well owners is shown in the diagram below.

Steps to testing your well water

Here are some facts that private well users should know.

View fact sheets and additional well resources.

View - An industry leading source of information on water wells.

View "Is your well water safe?" - a publication from The Private Well Class.

View the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Private Well Resources

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