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Septic System Maintenance - Do's & Don'ts

Learn about proper operation and maintenance of your septic system.

Operation and Maintenance of Your Septic System

A septic system is a major investment in your property. In order to protect your investment and lengthen the lifespan of your system, it must be properly operated and maintained.

Conserving Water

  • Fix leaky toilets and faucets to avoid overloading the system
  • Spread out laundry throughout the week and not just on one day
  • Keep ground water (such as sump pumps or rainwater or floor drains) from entering the system

Proper Use

  • Do not flush chemicals, diapers, feminine products, plastics or grease
  • Reduce organic loading from garbage disposals (consider composting)

Regular Maintenance

  • Rinse filter (if present) into tank twice each year. Consider adding a filter if not present.
  • Pump out tank when solids reach 1/3 the depth of the normal operating water level
  • Maintenance Fact Sheet including an estimated pumping guide

Septic Additives

Information from the Environmental Protection Agency indicates that septic tank  additives are not normally needed, and may actually cause harm to and or shorten the lifespan of your system. 

For more information or help in answering your questions contact the Boone County Health & Sanitation Department at 515-433-0506.

Septic System App

Septic Permitting

Onsite Waste Water Treatment Systems (Better Known As Septic Systems) Permitting Page

Permits for a new septic system or to renovate the soil treatment part of an existing septic system are required from Health & Sanitation Services.

Septic Permitting Application

This Permit application is filled out online and filed with Health & Sanitation Services accompanied by the proper fee. The fee schedule for Septic Permits is normally $200 if a percolation test is required, or $125 if no percolation test is required. (NOTE: fee change as of 7/1/12)

Percolation (Perc) Test

The next step in the permit process is to prepare for a percolation (perc) test (if required). The Perc Test Instructions gives you the information needed to prepare the site properly for an accurate test result. Once the site is prepared, you can schedule an appointment with the Sanitarian to conduct the test.

The results of the perc test will give the Sanitarian the necessary information to issue a permit for your new system.

The Boone County ordinance incorporates the State of Iowa Chapter 69 regulations for septic systems without additional restrictions.

  • Ordinance NO. 142

Onsite Funding:

Funding is available for loans to individuals to replace inadequate onsite sewer systems. Please see the following links for more information in individual septic system loans: State Revolving Fund OSWAP Loan Program and USDA Rural Development.

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