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Civil Process

Dication for Service Form

Telephone: 515-433-0524, opt 3
Fax: 515-433-0942

The Directions to Sheriff form must accompany all paperwork you are requesting served. 

Paperwork with a court date must be received in our office as soon as possible. Please contact our office for more information. You may fax or email the paperwork. You will be charged a copy fee of $.50 per copy.

Billing/Payment information

  • Contact our office for the possibility of billing 
    • Billing only available for business/attorney’s office
    • Individuals must pay in advance – call for further information
  • Standard Advance Fee for services: $75.00
    • Refunds are given if not all of the advance fee is used
  • All payments must be in the form of cash, check or money order
    • We do not have a credit/debit card system, therefore cannot accept payment over the phone
  • Upon receipt of payment, Returns of Service to any Clerk of Courts in the State of Iowa will be made by the Boone County Sheriff’s Office 

Eviction Service

Below are links to help direct you in the eviction process and the procedures. Please call if you have additional questions.

Eviction Process Chart

 Forcible Entry & Detainer (FED)

Eviction/Writ of Removal and Possession Procedures


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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.