Weapon Permits
Application for Permit to Carry Application for Permit to Purchase
Permits are issued only in person during the following hours:
Monday - Friday | 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Closed on holidays.
Weapon Permit Changes as of July 1, 2021
As of July 1, 2021, Iowa is a constitutional carry state, allowing anyone who meets certain eligibility requirements to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. However, Iowa still issues permits to carry weapons for reciprocity purposes as well as for purchasing of a handgun. This is a uniform card that will be issued by the Iowa Department of Public Safety after January 1, 2018. This card will be mailed directly to the mailing address provided by the applicant.
Eligibilty to carry without permit
- Be at least 21 years old;
- Be eligible to possess a handgun;
- Not have probable cause to use a weapon unlawfully or endanger others;
- Not be a convicted felon;
- Not have a misdemeanor for domestic violence.
Permit to Carry Information
- Applicants must be 21 and a resident of Iowa;
- Applicant must apply in county you reside in;
- Applicant must have driver's license or ID with applicant's current address on it;
- Payment must be made at time of application;
- There is an approximate 3 week waiting period;
- Permit is good for 5 years.
Training Requirements
- Handgun safety training course utilizing an instructor certified by a state law enforcement agency;
- Handgun safety training course utilizing an instructor certified by the National Rifle Association;
- Completion of a hunter education program approved by the Natural Resource Commission, if handgun safety training is noted on the certificate of completion;
- Armed forces small arms training (for those released or retired from Active Duty) - requires documentation of honorable discharge OR general discharge under honorable conditions (DD-214, DD-256, NGB-22, or similar);
- Armed forces small arms training (for those on Active Duty) - requires certificate of completion of basic training or similar;
- Handgun safety training course for security guards, investigators, or special deputies, if such course has been approved by the Iowa Department of Public Safety.
- Training Exemption - Documentation that applicant holds or held an Iowa Permit to Carry Weapons issued on or after 01/01/2011.
Permit to Acquire Information
- Must be 21 and a resident of Iowa;
- This is a uniform card that will be issued by the Iowa Department of Public Safety after January 1, 2018. This card will be mailed directly to the mailing address provided by the applicant;
- There is no training required;
- Applicant must apply in county you reside in;
- Payment must be made at time of application;
- Applicant must have driver's license or ID with applicant's current address on it;
- There is an approximate 3 week waiting period;
- Permit is good for 5 years.
- New Non-Professional CCW Permit - $50.00
- Non-Professional CCW Renewal - $25.00
- Professional CCW Permit - $25.00
- Permit to Acquire - $25.00
- Duplicate - $25.00
You must apply for your permit in the county that you reside in. Applications can be filled out at the Sheriff's Office and must include proof of training and a valid photo I.D. issued by the state DOT. If your I.D. does not have your currently Boone County adress on it, please bring with you a piece of mail, such as a ultility bill, for verification of address. Upon submission, the necessary background checks will be conducted by the Sheriff, which may take up to 30 days to process.
A person is not eligible for a permit if the applicant:
- is younger than 21 years of age
- is addicted to alcohol
- is believed to have committed an act(s) during the previous two years that leads the Sheriff to believe the applicant is likely to use a weapon unlawfully or in a manner to endanger the person's self or others
- has within the past three years been convicted of assault, harassment, hazing, stalking or other chapter 708 crime(s), except simple misdemeanors
- is prohibited from possessing a weapon by federal law because the applicant is:
- charged or convicted of an aggravated misdemeanor or felony
- a fugitive from justice
- a user of depressants, narcotics, or drugs
- a person adjudicated mentally impaired or committed to a mental treatment institution
- not a citizen of the United States
- dishonorably discharged from military service
- convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence
Types of Weapons
A permit to carry allows a person to carry "dangerous weapons," which is an instrument or device designed primarily for use in inflicting death or injury on persons or animals or is capable of or used in such a manner as to inflict death upon persons. This generally includes handguns, rifles, shot guns, Taser-type devices, and knives with blades longer than five inches. The permit does not allow a person to carry "offensive weapons" which are things like machine guns, short-barreled rifles or shot guns, weapons with a barrel or tube with the bore of more than six-tenths of an inch in diameter, bombs, grenades, mines, rockets, missiles, ballistic knives, flamethrowers or silencers.
Permit to Acquire
A person holding a permit to carry need not obtain a separate permit to acquire.
Permits are not valid when a person is under the influence or intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, or when there are any drugs in the person's system. Many drugs remain in the body up to 30 days after ingestion.
Permits do not authorize the permit holder to carry a weapon in certain places. This includes:
- on school property
- State/Federal parks
- all federal buildings
- most State and local government buildings and property
- airports
- any place where the owner forbids the possession of a weapon
A private property owner or business is entitled to ban weapons from their premises, and may legally ask you to remove a weapon from their premise even if you have a valid permit. Also note that bringing a weapon into some businesses (i.e. convenience stores, banks) may invite a police response due to the nature of the business conducted or an employee's concerns for their safety and the safety of their patrons.
Recognition of Permit
Permits in other states are recognized as valid; however, an Iowa permit is not necessarily recognized by other states. If travel is anticipated, it is wise to check the laws of the other jurisdictions to determine if an Iowa permit is recognized.
Suspension/Revocation of Permit
Violation of the terms of the permit or the occurrence of an event that makes a person ineligible for a permit (i.e., arrest for a disqualifying offense or act that causes the Sheriff to believe the permit holder may use a weapon unlawfully or in a manner to endanger the person's self or others) will result in suspension of the permit until disposition of the matter, at which time the permit will be revoked unless due to acquittal the permit may be reinstated. The Sheriff may conduct periodic checks to determine if suspension or revocation is appropriate.
Other Considerations
Weapons require a great deal of responsibility. It is important to safeguard a weapon so that it is not stolen or used against you. Most importantly, a permit to carry does not authorize a person to use a weapon in most circumstances. The law is very precise about when such force is justified. Guidance on that issue should be covered during your training. It is also important to note that even if use of a weapon is justified, it often may not be the wisest course of action, and may carry criminal and/or civil consequences.
Handgun Permit Renewal Process
Renewal Process
Effective July 1, 2017, there is a 60 day renewal window. A person wishing to renew a Permit to Carry Weapons must apply within 30 days before the permit expires, or within 30 days after the permit expires, otherwise the higher NEW permit fee must be charged.
** Please note that while a permit can be renewed within 30 days after it expires for the cheaper rate, the permit itself is still expired and cannot be used to carry and other states or to purchase.
Training for Renewals
A person who holds (or held) a permit issued on or after 1/1/2011 is not required to complete another training course to renew or obtain a new permit to carry weapons, however, please note that even though re‐training is not required, completing another training course or taking other steps to learn about law changes could be highly beneficial to a person who intends to go armed.
Training Time Frame
- A new applicant simply has to show he/she has completed training by one of the approved instructors.
- Certificate of training for a new permit will only be valid for 24 months after issuance. If you do not apply for your new permit within that 24 months you will have to retake the training and get a new certificate.
Additional Information
Most of the changes were made in House File 517. However, there were also some highly technical changes made in another bill, Senate File 516. To see the actual wording of the new laws, it would be necessary to read both House File 517 and Division V of Senate File 516. Both bills are available online at the following web addresses:
Find more information about weapon permit laws in Iowa and all the updates, please refer to the Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS) website.