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Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need to sign for Homestead Credit every year?


No, once you have signed for Homestead Credit it stays on your property until a change in ownership is recorded or the owner contacts the Assessor’s office and asks that the credit is removed.


I moved to a different home, do I need to sign up for Homestead Credit?


Yes, you are always required to sign for Homestead Credit when you move to a different property. It is important to notify our office to remove Homestead from your previous home when ownership is transferred.


If I am a veteran and have been honorably discharged, what do I need to do to sign up for the military exemption?


Your separation papers (DD214) or “Chronological Statement of Retirement Points” (if separated from the National Guard) must be recorded in our Recorder’s Office. You can not be in active duty status when making application. You must sign for the exemption in the Assessor’s Office.


If I build a new house, when will I begin paying taxes?


You will begin paying taxes eighteen (18) months after it is first assessed.


If the Assessor doesn’t determine my taxes, who does?


The Assessor estimates current value. The different taxing bodies, i.e. schools, cities and townships, compile their budgets and the funding requirements of the citizens within their taxing district. School boards determine the funding level they need in order to assist in the education of the students within their districts. City taxes pay for police and fire services as well as the public works department. City taxes are also used to help fund our library and maintain our park system. The townships fund fire and sheriff’s protection, maintenance of roads and bridges as well as rural cemeteries. The levying authorities hold a public hearing before the adoption of their budget. Open public hearings allow the property owner time to discuss their objections if they are dissatisfied with the proposed budgets. Although property taxes are paid at the courthouse, only a portion remains there. After the taxes are paid, the Treasurer must apportion to the different taxing bodies their share of each tax dollar paid in order to fund their budgets. You may find the distribution of your current and prior year tax dollars at the bottom of your tax statement. 


What does this fifteen (15) digit parcel ID number mean?


Several years ago, the Assessor’s office renumbered more than 26,000 parcels in anticipation of legal standardizations. This is the breakdown of what that number means: 


County ID# - 08

Township - 84

Range - 25

Section - 31

Quarter & Quarter/Quarter - 23

Quarter Numbering: NE=1, NW= 2, SW=3, SE=4

Quarter/Quarter:NE NE=11, NW NE=12, SW NE=13, SE NE=14,

NE NW=21, NW NW=22, SW NW=23, SE NW=24

Rural(00) or Subdivision(50)or City(80's) - 00
Cities: 80 - - Beaver              
          81 - - Berkley                  
          82 - - Boone                    
          83 - - Boxholm                 
          84 - - Fraser                     
          85 - - Luther 
          86 - - Madrid 
          87 - - Ogden                           
          88 - - Pilot Mound                             
          89 - - Sheldhal 

Parcel Locater Number - 001

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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.