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REAP Committee

REAP stands for Resource Enhancement and Protection.

Boone County REAP Committee

Iowa State Bird and Flower with Iowa outline

The Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Program is a program in the State of Iowa that invests in the enhancement and protection of Iowa’s natural and cultural resources. REAP is funded from the state's Environment First Fund (Iowa gaming receipts) and the sale of the natural resource license plate. Portions of the funding are awarded as grants to cities, counties, and public/private projects. For more information on the REAP program visit the Iowa DNR website.

Committee Duties

Boone County, along with the other counties in Iowa, has a County Resource Enhancement Committee that is made up of persons interested in the REAP Program. The duties of the county committees are to:

  • sign off on REAP grant applications for all city, county conservation and public/private cost share grant requests
  • prepare a plan for their county showing what they want REAP to accomplish in the future and where they want to see REAP money expended; and
  • to educate county residents on what REAP has done for their county.

Get Involved

Persons interested in serving on the Boone County REAP Committee should contact the chairs of the committee.

Boone County Project Funding

For information on projects in Boone County that have received REAP funding please visit the Iowa DNR website.


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Mission Statement

The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.