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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Conservation Events.

Photo Safari: High Trestle Trail Bridge - Grants Woods Park - 4/19/2025 @ 9 AM

Boone County Conservation is sponsoring a photography hike to the High Trestle Trail Bridge on Saturday, April 19th. Meet at the Grant’s Woods parking lot on QF Lane just west of Madrid off of Highway 210 at 9:00 a.m.

The hike will be led by local photographer, David Johnson. He has been an avid photographer for over 60 years and has had trail images featured in various local and national publications.

The High Trestle Trail Bridge is one of the most photographed icons of Iowa’s recreational trail system. Anytime of the day or year one can expect amazing conditions for photos. We will focus on different aspects of composition.

All levels of skills are encouraged to attend. You do not need a professional camera. A cell phone will produce amazing images. Each participant’s best image will be featured on Boone County Conservation’s Facebook page.

Location: Grants Woods Park
Address: 2335 QF Ln., Madird, IA 50156
Date: Saturday April 19th at 9 AM
Meet: Trail head west of parking lot


Youth Volunteer Nights: Save our Prairie Remnants! - Don Williams Park- 4/30/2025 @ 5:30 PM

Don Williams Park has newly discovered prairie remnants
that need our help! We are asking any TEENS needing volunteer hours to help assist staff in the removal of woody invasives that are harming these historical areas in the park. Those who need hours such as silver cord, scouts, 4-Hers and more are welcome to join!

Help be apart of history folks!

Date: 4/30/2025
Time: 5:30 PM - 7 PM
Park: Don Williams Park
Address: 610 H Ave, Ogden, IA 50212
Location: Ronald Good Shelter


Introduction to Snake Boards - Don Williams Park - 5/24/2025 @ 10 AM

Join us to look at what snakes may call Don Williams Park home! Would you like to be a snake board volunteer? Then you may love this program!

Snake board monitoring for Boone County Conservation Board involves searching for snakes under artificial cover boards and natural areas to gather data on species for conservation purposes.

Will discuss what species can be found in our county, talk about the reasoning for using a snake board, and adventuring out to look under the boards.

Please wear appropriate attire for walking on the trail, prairie, and other heavily dense vegetation.
- Close toed shoes
- Long pants
- Dress for the weather (hot or cold).

This is for all ages.

Park: Don Williams Recreational Area
Location: Red Tail Shelter
Address: 610 H Ave, Ogden, IA 50212


Boone County Youth Fishing Derby-Don Williams Park - 6/7/2025 - 9 AM to 11:30 AM

Join us during Iowa Free Fishing Weekend for a Youth Derby at Don Williams Lake!

Never taken your little one fishing? Well now is your chance! Enjoy a morning of fishing with your young angler and have a chance to win some prizes.

- We do not provide bait, however there is a bait shop by the boat ramp.
- We do not have any equipment to rent or borrow.
- We do not require to see the fish live, a photo with the angler and fish will do!

Address: 610 H Ave, Ogden, IA 50212
Location: Lodge by the Lake
Date: June 7th
Time: 9 AM - 11:30 AM
To qualify: 16 years of age and below may register.
Fee: FREE, we do accept a free will donation.

ALL PRIZES are given to us by local donors or given by the county.


Mushroom Foray - Swede Point Park - 6/14/2025 - 1 PM to 3 PM

oin the Prairie States Mushroom Club and Boone County Conservation Board on a fun and educational mushroom hunt and identification Foray at Swede Point Park in Madrid, Iowa on Saturday June 14th from 1 to 3 pm.

PLEASE Pre-register here so we can get a head count:


Address: 1601 322nd Ln, Madrid, IA 50156
Location: Meet at the Swede Point Main Shelter.

More info contact:
Naturalist Kyle Neuendorf


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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.