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Central Iowa Waste Management Association

Primary Service Area

Boone County: All residents in cities and unincorporated areas, except Sheldahl.
Greene County: All county residents except for the city of Jefferson.
Dallas County: City residents in Bouton, Granger, and Woodward.
Calhoun County: City residents in Farmhamville, Lohrville, and Somers.

Secondary Service Area

Story County: All county residents except for the city of Sheldahl, cities of Colo & Collins.

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The State of Iowa uses solid waste planning areas as a strategy to proactively manage solid wastes generated within Iowa. Planning areas consist of a grouping of cities and counties formed around the use of a municipal solid waste landfill. The Boone County Landfill and its service area are partners with the City of Ames Resource Recovery System Together, these two service areas form the Central Iowa Waste Management Planning Area.

The planning area diverts approximately 55% of its waste away from landfill disposal as calculated by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.  Our planning area is just one of three that have met the State of Iowa goal of 50% landfill diversion.

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Mission Statement

The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.