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Litter Cleanup & Adopt-A-Road

There are three ongoing "adoption" programs for litter control and cleanup available in Boone County (in addition to the Iowa Department of Transportation's Adopt a Highway Program).  Keep Boone County Beautiful provides volunteer training, signage and litter collection supplies for all three programs.

Adopt-A-County Road

There are a number of miles of Boone County Secondary Roads available for adoption. For volunteer safety concerns, these are restricted to paved roads with a minimum of a 6' wide shoulder (shown in pale blue on the map below).

Before completing an adoption form, please contact Carrie Self at 515-433-0591 or by email at to confirm road section availability. 

Adoption Form

adopt a road map

Adopt Your Favorite Place

In addition to County roadways, other County-controlled locations are available for adoption as well. These include boat ramps, county parks and recreation areas, and other locations. 

Before completing an adoption form, please contact Carrie Self at 515-433-0591 or by email at to discuss a favorite place you would like to consider adopting.

Adoption Form

Adopt-A-City Street

Some communities in Boone County have partnered with Keep Boone County Beautiful to offer an "Adopt-A-City Street Program." These programs are managed by the respective communities. Currently, the cities of Boone and Madrid participate in this program. You can contact the City administrator in these cities to discuss the program.

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Mission Statement

The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.