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Plan Your Landfill Visit

Please keep these things in mind when you arrive at the Boone County Landfill.
  • Stop at the scale upon arrival. Wait for the green light to exit the scale.
  • Only one vehicle is allowed on the scale at a time, and vehicles must alternate between incoming and outgoing directions.
  • Identify the items you want to discard to the scale attendant through the speaker & What County the load is coming from.
  • The attendant will direct you where to go for disposal. Depending on load size or bulky loads you will have to go to the workface.
  • If your load is weighed, you are required to stop back at the scale after disposal.
  • The scale attendant will weigh your vehicle again and determine any fees.
  • All loads coming to the landfill must be tarped or strapped! No exceptions!

Landfill Rules

Failure to follow these rules can result in injury and/or facility bans.

  • Observe the posted speed limit (20 MPH on-site.)
  • No cell phone use upon entering.
  • No smoking.
  • No scavenging.
  • No standing on the convenience center wall.
  • Children and pets must remain in the vehicle at all times.
  • Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are prohibited.
  • Customers must be off of the premises no more than 30 minutes after the landfill closing time.

Please note that staff are not authorized to assist with unloading vehicles, and that all vehicles are subject to random inspection by staff. Right-of-way is given to heavy equipment.

Anyone exhibiting unsafe behavior or acting in an unprofessional manner may be asked to leave the facility. Boone County Landfill assumes no liability for damage to vehicles resulting from towing or otherwise disabled vehicles. 

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Mission Statement

The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.