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Real Estate Documents & Recording Fees

Iowa Land Records' website is your primary source for information about recorded real estate documents in Iowa.

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Land Records

 Iowa Land Records is the official statewide website sponsored by elected county officials. Learn more about the information and services offered, or become a registered user to access advanced features and services.

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Other Resources/Documents

Recording Fees

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Recorded Documents

The following documents are recorded in the Recorder's Office

  • Deeds
  • Mortgages
  • Contracts
  • Plats & Surveys
  • Corner Certificate
  • Assignments & Releases
  • State & Federal Tax Liens
  • Easements
  • Power of Attorney
  • Military Service Records
  • Trade Names
  • Affidavits
  • Condemnations
  • Leases
  • Bill of Sales RE
  • Many other misc documents

Document Formatting Standards (State of Iowa)

Formatting Standards

Deed Formatting

In addition to the above, deeds require the following:

All Deeds that convey land will require an additional $5.00 fee for transfer on the Auditor’s plat books for a parcel of contiguous land within a numbered section, platted block or subdivision separated only by a public street, alley or highway. The fee shall not exceed $50.00 for transfer of property in one document. Deeds fulfilling a Contract should note on the face of the deed the Book & Page or Document number of the Contract it is fulfilling. Revenue fees are also due at this time.

Effective July 1, 2022: If there are no conditions present then a Groundwater Hazard Statement shall not be submitted.  In lieu of the submission of a Groundwater Hazard Statement, any deed or document of conveyances shall include on the first page the following statement:

 "There is no known private burial site, well, solid waste disposal site, underground storage tank, hazardous waste, or private sewage disposal system on the property as described in Iowa Code section, 558.69, and therefore the transaction is exempt from the requirement to submit a Groundwater Hazard Statement."

Effective July 1, 2004 Change of Title is required to be recorded when a life estate is terminated.

When filing a Contract, re-recorded Contract, an Assignment of Contract, Amendment of Contract & Notice of Forfeiture & Subdivision Platting Procedures an Auditor’s transfer fee is also collected & the Auditor is to enter these in their transfer books, with the exception of Assignment of Contracts for collateral only.

Revenue tax affixed to represent the full sale price over $500.00 (Chart available at Recorder’s office or www.state.ia.us/tax. If exempt from revenue tax, exemption must be so stated on the face of the document. (Exemptions are listed in Code of Iowa Chapter 428a.2)

Any deed recorded after January 1, 1979, will be refused for recording unless a Declaration of Value Statement is submitted with the document. This applies also to any document conveying property; Contracts and Assignments of Contracts and Quit Claim Deeds. Certain documents are exempt from the Declaration of Value (see instructions with form).

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