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Recording Fees

View county recording fees.
  Type First Page Each Add'l Page
Contract* $7.00 $5.00
Bill of Sale $7.00 $5.00
Leases $7.00 $5.00
Mortgages $7.00 $5.00
Notice of Foreclosure $7.00 $5.00
Assignments & Releases $7.00 $5.00
Affidavits with Transfer Request* $7.00 $5.00
Affidavit without Transfer Request $7.00  $5.00
Agreements $7.00 $5.00
Tax Liens $7.00 $5.00
Plats/Corner Certs $7.00 $5.00
Power of Attorney $7.00 $5.00
Condemnations $7.00 $5.00
Articles of Incorporation $7.00 $5.00
Deeds* $7.00 $5.00
Easements $7.00 $5.00
Surveys $7.00 $5.00
Trade Names $7.00 $5.00
UCC's $7.00 $5.00

*Any documents conveying real estate require an additional $5.00 transfer fee for each separate parcel of real estate involved. Maximum fee $50.00.

A document that contains more than one transaction will be charged an additional $7.00 per transaction. 

Non-conforming documents will be charged a $10.00 non-standard fee.

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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.