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Zoning County Ordinance

Boone County Zoning Ordinance No. 88 was adopted July 1, 2008

Iowa Code Chapter 335 County Zoning, Section 335.5, states that zoning regulations are designed to implement various elements of the comprehensive development plan. Any amendments to the district regulations or official zoning map shall conform to the comprehensive development plan.

Farm Exempt

Iowa Code Chapter 335 County Zoning, states that no ordinance adopted under this chapter applies to land, farm houses, farm barns, and farm outbuildings or other buildings or structures which are primarily adapted by reason of nature and area, for use for agricultural purposes, while so used.

Boone County Zoning Ordinance, as amended

Cover Page
Amendment Table 
Table of Contents
Article I: Title, Application, Purpose, Exemptions, Interpretation, Zoning Commission 
Article II: Definitions
Article III: General Regulations 
    Section 4.01 – 4.03: Districts, District Map; Interpretation of Boundaries 
    Section 4.04: A-1 Agricultural Conservation Districts 
    Section 4.05: A-2 Agriculture Business District 
    Section 4.06: TA-1 Transitional Agricultural District
    Section 4.07: R-1 Rural Estates Residential District 
    Section 4.08: R-2 Urban Residential District 
    Section 4.09: R-3 Mobile Home Residential District
    Section 4.10: C-1 General Commercial District 
    Section 4.11: I-1 Industrial District 
    Section 4.12: I-2 Heavy Industrial District 
    Section 4.13 Reserved 
    Section 4.14 PUD-1 Planned Unit Development District 
    Section 4.15 Bulk Regulations Tables
    Section 4.16 Use Table
Article V: Conditional Use Regulations
Article VI: Parking Regulations 
Article VII: Sign Regulations 
    Section 8.01 Wireless Communication Towers 
    Section 8.02 Mineral Extraction & Primary Mineral Processing 
    Section 8.03 Small Wind Energy Systems 
    Section 8.04 Commercial/Utility Wind Energy Systems 
    Section 8.05 Waste Disposal Sites & Landfills 
    Section 8.06 Home Occupations & Home Based Businesses In “Residential Districts” 
    Section 8.07 Home Occupations & Home Based Businesses In “Agricultural Districts” 
    Sections 8.08-8.09 Keeping of Unreistered Wrecked or Junked Vehicles, Race Tracks For Motorized Vehicles 
    Sections 8.10-8.12 Wineries/Native Wine Establishment & Processing, Commercial Campgrounds & Travel Trailer Parks, Rural Salvage Yard in Conjuction With a ‘Owner-Occupied’ Single Family Dwelling
   Section 8.13 Stormwater Management Standards 
   Section 8.14 Utility Scale Solar Energy Systems
Article IX: Board of Adjustment 
Article X: Zoning Commission 
Article XI: Changes & Amendments 
Article XII: Administration & Enforcement 
Article XIII: Severability, Conflict, Effective Date 

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