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2023 City/School Election

November 7, 2023

City/School Election
School and City Elections are combined and held in November of odd-numbered years. A City election is used to elect the Mayor and Council Members and any other elected city officials. A School Election is an election to select School Board members for school districts within Boone County.

Election Results

All Precincts Counted

Archived Election Details

The Regular City & School Election is held countywide and includes the regular city election, regular school election, and the election of community college directors. All voters reside within a school district and merged area (community college district) and will have those races on their ballot. Those who live within the boundaries of a city will also have the applicable city races on their ballot. 

 Voters will have the opportunity to vote on the following races (depending on the jurisdiction you reside in):

  • City Council Member(s)
  • City Mayor
  • School Board Member(s)
  • Community College Director(s)

Sample ballots are posted below & are available to view in our office.

Polling hours are from 7:00a.m. - 8:00p.m.

Find Your Polling Location: Voting Precincts

Voter Registration

The voter pre-registration deadline is Monday, October 23 at 5p.m.

New registrants after the deadline, including on Election Day, will follow the Election Day Registration procedures. Proof of identity and proof of residence will be required.

For additional information: Register to Vote

Absentee Voting

In-Person: Voting in the Auditor's Office begins Wednesday, October 18 and will be available during regular business hours until 4:30pm, on Monday, November 6.

By Mail: The first day we can begin accepting written applications/requests for absentee ballots is Tuesday, August 29. The first day that ballots will be mailed is Wednesday, October 18. The last day to request a mailed ballot is Monday, October 23, the original request must be received in the Auditor's Office by 5pm that day. On the request form, mark "City/School" under type of election.

For additional information: Absentee Voting

Election Results

Results are unofficial until the Canvass of Votes takes place. Each county canvasses county results for all cities and schools within their county. This canvass is known as the 1st -tier canvass. Non-control county abstracts are then forwarded to the controlling auditor of each jurisdiction to be compiled and canvassed at a second canvass known as the 2nd -tier canvass.

Candidate Filing Information - CANDIDATE FILING PERIOD HAS ENDED

City Candidate Filing Dates

School Board Candidate Filing Dates

Sample Ballots (PDF)

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The mission of Boone County is to be accountable to its citizens in providing innovative and high-quality government services in an economical, fair, professional, and courteous manner to enhance and protect the health, welfare, and safety of those who live and work in Boone County.